TypeScript vs. JavaScript: Which One to Choose?

Yogesh Pant
Jan 18, 2024

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that includes optional static typing and class-based capabilities for object-oriented programming. It has become much more common among large-scale JavaScript projects during the last several years. 

Nonetheless, the distinctions between JavaScript and TypeScript may not be evident to many developers who are only beginning to work with the former. Is TypeScript the same language with a new syntax? Or does it provide any real benefits above standard JavaScript?

The main distinctions between TypeScript and JavaScript will be uncovered in this essay, along with the situations and arguments for using one over the other. We’ll examine TypeScript’s static type system and how it may aid in the early detection of mistakes. We’ll also talk about how TypeScript helps keep code organized in big codebases and its enhanced support for object-oriented paradigms. 

Knowing the characteristics of TypeScript and how they differ from JavaScript can help you determine if adopting it makes sense for the requirements and development style of your specific project. Now let’s get started by contrasting these two closely related yet different languages. 

JavaScript: The Fundamentals

One of the most widely used scripting languages, JavaScript, enables programmers to include intricate functionality in web development projects. Its original purpose was to provide HTML on the web more interaction by enabling pop-ups and form validation. JavaScript is fundamentally a prototype-based, dynamic, weakly typed programming language. This implies that variables and objects may be defined with any type; instead, their types can change dynamically after they are declared. 

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Key attributes and functionalities of JavaScript include the following:

  • JavaScript code is interpreted in real-time and thus lightweight, as opposed to being compiled. Because of its lightweight nature, it is simple to integrate with other technologies, such as HTML.
  • JavaScript was created with client-side scripting in mind, which enables the customization of a web page’s behavior inside of a browser. 
  • Weak typing in a dynamic language: As previously shown, JavaScript does not need variable declaration with types since it is dynamically typed. Types are allocated automatically. 
  • Prototype-based: Prototype-based inheritance is a feature of JavaScript in which objects inherit attributes directly from other objects.
  • Asynchronous and event-driven: JavaScript is often used to react asynchronously, without compromising user experience, to user interactions and web page events.
  • JavaScript is often used in animations, single-page apps, dynamic website updates, form validation, and interactive components like lightboxes and sliders. Additionally, front-end frameworks like Vue.js, Angular, and React require it. As one of the most extensively used and popular programming languages on the web, JavaScript adds interaction to web pages without requiring page refreshes. Its use in front-end and back-end development is still expanding. 

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A Brief about TypeScript

Microsoft created and maintains the open-source programming language TypeScript. It is essentially a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript that offers classes, interfaces, and optimal static typing. TypeScript code is converted into pure JavaScript code, which enables it to function in browsers, Node.js applications, and native mobile apps –anywhere JavaScript is supported. 

Additionally, it may benefit from using JavaScript frameworks like Lodash, React, or Jest. Without radically altering JavaScript, TypeScript’s primary objective is to provide tools that facilitate the creation of JavaScript applications. This enables the addition of optional types for scalability and APIs while using the most recent JS capabilities. 

Among the main benefits that TypeScript offers over standard JavaScript are:

  • Static typing is optional for type safety and early mistake detection.
  • Interfaces to ensure uniformity in APIs
  • Inheritance classes for object-oriented designs
  • Modules to enhance organizational effectiveness
  • Tools and compilation assistance for substantial undertakings
  • Backward compatibility for existing codebases using JavaScript
  • Common IDE features include refactoring, auto-completion, and others.
  • Because it incorporates features from object-oriented programming, such as classes, interfaces, inheritance, and encapsulation, TypeScript is sometimes referred to as an object-oriented programming language. With the help of these ideas, programmers may organize functionality into reusable and modular components and write object-oriented programming.
  • It’s crucial to remember that JavaScript, a multi-paradigm language that supports both object-oriented and functional programming, is what TypeScript essentially a superset is of. Statics typing and other tools to improve object-oriented programming skills are added to JavaScript by TypeScript.

In conclusion, TypeScript gives programmers the capabilities and tools they need to write object-oriented code and use the concepts of object-oriented programming to create reliable programs, even though it is not a stand-alone object-oriented programming language.

Extra Features for TypeScript

TypeScript has many more features, such as interfaces, enums, generics, and more, that are not included in ordinary JavaScript. These increase the options for coding, particularly in object-oriented programming.

Interfaces, for instance, provide a contract for the functionality that classes have to deliver. Reusable component construction is made possible via generics. Values are limited by enums to a predefined set. For large projects, these capabilities increase TypeScript's expressiveness.

However, complexity may also arise with additional ideas. The simplicity of JavaScript reduces the entrance barrier. Determine if TypeScript's sophisticated features provide value or are merely more complicated.

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What Are Typescript vs Javascript Differences?

Typing: Static vs. Dynamic

The fact that JavaScript uses a dynamic language and TypeScript uses a static language is one of the main distinctions between the two languages.

Variables have a specified type (string, integer, boolean, etc.) in statically typed languages like TypeScript. This enables the TypeScript compiler to identify problems and mistakes at an early stage of compilation. Because of JavaScript's dynamic typing, variables may have their types changed in real-time. This enhances the flexibility of JavaScript but also raises the possibility of runtime problems.

Static typing in TypeScript facilitates code completion, refactoring, and faster debugging, all of which accelerate development. It might seem verbose, however, since it also necessitates specifying types in your code. JavaScript is more appropriate for quick prototyping and smaller apps because of its dynamic typing.

Sorted versus Consolidated

For TypeScript code to function in a browser, it has to be compiled into JavaScript. A.ts file is transformed into an equivalent.js file that browsers can understand by the TypeScript compiler.

Because JavaScript is an interpreted language, each time it runs, the JS engine reads the code line by line. Before the code is used in production, several mistakes are found in TypeScript's compilation stage. When compared to pure interpretation, the compilation also enhances performance.

The drawback is that, in contrast to executing JavaScript immediately, TypeScript adds a build phase. It may be more effective to forgo compilation for simple scripts or web pages. TypeScript's pre-execution bug-catching is very beneficial for large web applications.

Support for IDEs and Tools

Rich IDE support for TypeScript is available for Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. Static typing together with compilation results in an excellent development experience. Reliable refactoring, inline documentation, and code completion all significantly increase productivity.

IDEs can utilize JavaScript, but the tooling and IntelliSense support isn't as good. It is more challenging to provide the same degree of tooling support due to dynamic typing looseness. The strictness of TypeScript becomes useful in this situation.

In conclusion, TypeScript facilitates the creation of big applications by supporting advanced functionality, compilation, tools, and static typing. But take into account the complexity trade-off as well. JavaScript could be a better choice for straightforward applications. Consider the variations in light of the demands of your particular project.

Let’s understand the vital differences in the below comparison table on TypeScript vs JavaScript.




Developed By

Microsoft in 2012

Brendan Eich (Netscape) in 1995


TypeScript is a powerful object-oriented language as a superset to JavaScript, with generic and JS features to overcome the complexities of JS.

JavaScript is a scripting language with first-class functions to create dynamic web pages.


Strongly Typed. TypeScript supports both static and dynamic typing.

Loosely typed. JavaScript supports only dynamic typing.


TypeScript is more of a powerful and intuitive language that supports static typing.

JavaScript is a simple language that optimizes code for compatibility, easy to read and write.


TypeScript needs to be compiled.

JavaScript does not need compilation.

Data Binding

TypeScript utilizes concepts like interfaces and types to define the data being employed.

No such notion is presented in JavaScript.

Learning Curve

TypeScript has a stiff learning curve. Also, it needs scripting knowledge.

It is easy to learn and a flexible language for writing web scripts.

Npm Packages

With Typescript, numerous npm packages either have static type definitions or have an exterior one that is simpler to install.

JavaScript provides the alternative to search and form code without any build step.

Client-Side or Server-Side

TypeScript is specially used on the client-side.

JavaScript is used on both server-side and client-side.

Files Extensions

.tsx and .ts



TypeScript has a smaller community of software developers.

JavaScript has a large community of software developers.


Prototyping feature is available in TypeScript.

JS doesn’t support prototyping.

Companies and Websites

Asana, Clever, Screen award

Airbnb, Codecademy, Instagram

Code Example

function multiply (a, b){ return a*b;}var result = multiply(a, b);console.log(‘The answer is - ’ + result);

<script>function multiply (a, b){ return a\*b;}var result = multiply(a, b);document.write (‘The answer is – ’ + result);</script>

When to Select: Variation JavaScript and TypeScript in Between


Compile Time Type Checking 

In TypeScript Type verification in Vanilla JavaScript happens at runtime. Nevertheless, this increases runtime overhead, which may be avoided by doing validation at compile time.

Large-scale projects or a team of developers

When several developers collaborate on a project if it's big, TypeScript operates without a hitch.

Simple to Use New Frameworks or Libraries 

Let's say you are developing with React and are unfamiliar with its APIs. IntelliSense may assist you in recognizing and navigating novel interfaces. But both of them have type definitions.


Little Tasks                                                                         

It could be unnecessary to use TypeScript for little applications with few codes.

Structure Assistance                                                       

You may not be able to take use of TypeScript's functionalities if EmberJS, your chosen framework, isn't supported.

Construct Tools                                                                  

TypeScript needs a build phase in order to produce the final JavaScript that can be executed. It is becoming less common, nevertheless, to create JavaScript apps without using any build tools.

Workflow Testing                                                     

Should your proficient JavaScript engineers be using test-driven development, the advantages of converting to TypeScript could not outweigh the costs.

Is it better to learn TypeScript vs JavaScript?

You can easily comprehend TypeScript if you are familiar with JavaScript. The syntax and run-time behavior of these two languages are identical.       

JavaScript, the most widely used language, has a large developer community and a wealth of resources. As both languages are often implemented in the same manner, such materials might also be useful to TypeScript developers. 

TypeScript's Advantages over JavaScript

Static typing is supported by TypeScript. This implies that type correctness may be verified throughout the construction process thanks to static typing. 

  • TypeScript detects compilation errors during the development stage. Consequently, there is relatively little opportunity to evaluate errors during runtime. Conversely, JavaScript is an interpreted language.
  • TypeScript is just JavaScript enhanced with ES6 capabilities. TS files can be compiled into ECMAScript using the TS compiler, however, they may not be stored in the web browser of your choice.  
  • TypeScript code becomes easier to debug as it increases because type problems may be identified at compilation instead of runtime. 

Will JavaScript Be Replaced by TypeScript?

The simplest response to the question above is, of course, no!

Except for sharing certain fundamental characteristics with JavaScript, TypeScript is entirely distinct from JavaScript. JavaScript cannot and will not be replaced as a result. 

Many developers utilize JavaScript, one of the most widely used and essential technologies in the software development business, for both client-side and server-side applications. 

However, TypeScript is not immediately executed in web browsers. In JavaScript, it transcompiles. JavaScript runs directly in the web browser, making it simpler to debug and build. However, not every kind of project is designed to use TypeScript. Thus, each programming language has a unique collection of features as well as advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, you must embrace a new technology or framework for improved customer service and business operations if you want to keep up with the latest trends in corporate web development. 

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Typescript vs Javascript Examples: When Does It Matter?

Projects that Make Use of TypeScript

In certain application situations, TypeScript shines because of characteristics that provide substantial advantages:

Large-Scale Projects:

TypeScript is a good fit for complicated codebases and large-scale projects due to its static typing and type-checking features. The ability to identify type-related mistakes early in the development process lowers the likelihood of defects in the final result and preserves code quality. 


Those working on the same codebase may collaborate more effectively because of TypeScript’s static typing. It makes it simpler for developers to comprehend and communicate with each other’s code by offering explicit interfaces and contracts. 

Code Maintainability

Refactoring and code maintenance are made easier by TypeScript’s static typing. By highlighting such problems, the compiler gives developers the confidence to make changes without accidentally causing unexpected consequences.

Object-Oriented Programming

TypeScript provides strong support for ideas and patterns related to object-oriented programming. Because it offers inheritance, encapsulation, classes, and interfaces, it is a desirable option for projects that largely depend on the concepts of object-oriented programming. 

Conditions in Which JavaScript Is Suggested

JavaScript is still a good option in many situations where its flexibility and dynamic nature are useful.

Small Projects and Rapid Prototyping

JavaScript’s flexible structure and dynamic typing make it perfect for these types of tasks. Without having to deal with the cost of static type annotations, it enables developers to explore and iterate quickly. 

Front-end development and Web Scripting

JavaScript is the industry standard language for these two tasks. Because of its extensive ecosystem of frameworks, libraries, and tools, as well as its broad browser support, it is the preferred option for developing interactive web applications. 

Swift Scripting and Automation Tasks

JavaScript's interpreted nature and small weight make it ideal for scripting and automation. It is readily executable in a variety of settings, including server-side scripting and command-line interfaces.

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Things to Take Into Account While Selecting Between the Two

When choosing between JavaScript and TypeScript, the following things need to be considered:

Project Requirements

Take into account the particular requirements of the project, taking into account its size, complexity, scalability, and anticipated duration. JavaScript’s flexibility may be more appropriate in certain situations, while TypeScript’s static typing may be advantageous in others.  

Expertise of the Development Team

Evaluate the knowledge and experience of the development team. The team’s level of TypeScript or JavaScript expertise may have an impact on the language selection. 

Tooling and Ecosystem

Assess each language’s maturity and accessibility in terms of frameworks, libraries, and tools. Take into account the ecosystem’s ability to support the project’s needs, taking into account community resources and third-party integrations. 

Budget and Timing Constraints

Consider the project’s spending plan and schedule. TypeScript could take longer to learn and have type annotations, however, JavaScript can have shorter development cycles due to its dynamic nature. 


After reviewing all of the information we have included in this post, we can conclude that both languages have advantages and disadvantages.

Developers looking to produce clean, legible code may benefit from using TypeScript. We are omitting to highlight the many live-bug testing and static typing features that TypeScript provides.

JavaScript may be used alongside HTML to enhance online sites, even if it is not a complete programming language. Additionally, there are a lot of seasoned engineers who know how to code in JavaScript.

Like JavaScript, TypeScript isn't supported by every web browser, however. Thus, if you are having trouble deciding between JavaScript and TypeScript, you may consult the aforementioned page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is TypeScript Better than JavaScript?

JavaScript cannot be replaced with TypeScript. Because translating TypeScript code into JavaScript requires more work and effort, employing TypeScript for smaller applications may result in significant overhead expenses. Because JavaScript runs directly in the browser, it's simpler to refresh and troubleshoot smaller code segments. To execute the code in the case of TypeScript, we must set up an appropriate IDE.

Is TypeScript Easier than JavaScript?

The difficulty levels are comparable. There are certain scenarios in which TypeScript may be tougher to wrap your head around, and likewise for JavaScript.

Should I Learn JavaScript or TypeScript?

JavaScript is probably the better choice for complete beginners. As mentioned earlier, TypeScript is just a superset of JavaScript. JS might be a better choice because it is very popular and could lead to more career opportunities to begin with.

Is TypeScript Safer than JavaScript?

There are many who say that TypeScript, as a newer version of JavaScript, is more secure than the latter. However, if you know what you are doing and follow the best security practices, JavaScript can also be secure for all intents and purposes.

Does Google Use JavaScript or TypeScript?

Google uses TypeScript for its web application framework Angular. An example of a product that uses TypeScript is Google Analytics.

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