A Step-by-Step Guide to Custom Healthcare Software Development in 2024

Yogesh Pant
May 08, 2024


The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the necessity –and even the urgency –of digitizing healthcare systems. In this transformation, healthcare professionals play a crucial role. While still adhering to privacy restrictions, a digitalized healthcare system would assist in speeding the healthcare process and make it simpler to monitor individualized patient treatment. Additionally, in order to provide the most tailored treatment, the majority of businesses would profit from specialized healthcare software. Thus, it is essential to hire a skilled healthcare software developer. You can choose the ideal healthcare software developer with the aid of our in-depth advice for custom healthcare software development in 2024. 

A Synopsis of the Healthcare Software

The healthcare sector is among the largest sectors of the global economy. The global healthcare industry is now valued at a whopping $7.975 billion, and by 2027, it is projected to reach $9.816 billion. The healthcare market includes all businesses that provide clinical services, assistance for health issues, and the creation of medications and medical devices. 

COVID-19's Effects on the Healthcare Sector

The COVID-19 epidemic has profoundly impacted every aspect of society, and the healthcare sector is also feeling the effects. Responding, recovering, and renewing were the three stages of the pandemic's first response. The pandemic's current condition and the many issues it has raised have had a significant impact on the healthcare system as a whole. However, healthcare software has played a crucial role in mitigating these challenges. Supply chain breakdown, personnel quarantines, and an overall increase in safety regulations have exacerbated hospital business concerns, but healthcare software has helped in managing these issues more efficiently. 

In addition to these difficulties, the pandemic has affected medical billing procedures in a number of disciplines, including cardiology. It is essential for people employed in cardiology offices to comprehend the nuances and remain current with emerging trends. A thorough manual on cardiology medical billing may help overcome these obstacles and guarantee efficient billing procedures in these unpredictable times. 

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The Current Status of Software Development for Healthcare

Every element of our life has been changed by information technology. It follows that in order to preserve electronic health records, medical histories, patient personal information, and a myriad of other medical data, healthcare businesses naturally need healthcare software solutions. The COVID-19 epidemic was causing the healthcare industry to experience unprecedented pressure. 

The experience of such a significant event in the post-pandemic era compels us to consider the healthcare software mobile app development that will allow healthcare companies to offer better facilities and approach the problem from a new perspective. The entire healthcare software development industry is now leading the charge to digitize the antiquated paper-based system, improving patient safety, enabling portability, and enhancing the sector's effectiveness through the use of electronic medical records. The process of custom healthcare software development involves several stages, including requirements gathering, design, development, testing, and deployment. Each stage is crucial and requires the expertise of skilled developers. The size of the worldwide healthcare analytics market is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.3%, from $23.51 billion in 2020 to $96.90 billion by 2030. 


Trends in Healthcare Software by 2024 and Beyond

Software solutions have impacted healthcare providers as a whole, just as technological advancements have affected other industries. The software development process has seen the emergence of several patterns. The following are a few of these trends:


Remote Monitoring and Telemetry

The FDA's permission for the use of remote monitoring devices after the pandemic made this technology possible. This technology not only helps those who need medical care but also improves quality and promptness, making it possible to streamline medical procedures. By 2026, the worldwide healthcare telemetry market is predicted to have a market share of around $400.60 billion (CAGR of 12.5%). 


According to a Merritt Hawkins study conducted across 15 major cities, a new patient typically takes 29.3 days to get an appointment with a family physician. This has forced many hospitals to launch telehealthcare services in an effort to improve patient outreach. In this sense, the goal of telemedicine is to improve clinical workflow while reducing the need for patients to come to the hospital outside of an emergency. 

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare

Many healthcare providers have recently started using artificial intelligence to treat patients, which has improved the situation for digital health. The objective is to minimize medical service costs and human error in the healthcare system. Due to the market's explosive growth, machine learning and artificial intelligence applications are predicted to reach $194.4 billion by 2030. Artificial intelligence is expected to be used in procedures and activities such as dose error reduction, fraud detection, robot-assisted surgery, and preliminary diagnosis. Successful machine learning initiatives need a healthcare data platform that gives developers access to granular-level health data on-demand. 

IoMT and IoT

The Internet of Many Things (IoMT) was discovered in the medical profession along with the advent of telemedicine and telehealth. This technology integrates many wearables—such as ECG and EKG monitors—with measuring techniques, including taking skin temperature, blood pressure, and glucose readings. Medication management, linked imaging, remote patient monitoring, and fall detection are just a few of the areas that make up this industry. 

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Bioprinting and Technology in the Organ Care System

The quality of life of organ transplant patients is being enhanced by developing an innovative new sector called organ care technology. Bioprinting, the technique of generating three-dimensional tissue models from live cells, is one of the main features of this technology. This technology can produce organs that are exactly like the patient's own, significantly lowering the possibility of organ rejection following transplantation. Furthermore, organs for patients who cannot undergo standard transplants because there are not enough donors available might be created by bioprinting. The bioprinting industry is expected to develop at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.4% to reach $5.87 billion by 2030 after showing positive growth in 2021 to reach $1.18 billion. 

Virtual and Augmented Reality in Medicine

Virtual and augmented reality use in healthcare facilities to enhance patient care is growing. Because these technologies provide realistic, immersive settings for teaching, diagnosis, and treatment, they can potentially transform how physicians practice medicine thoroughly. 

Augmented reality, for instance, may be used in surgery to assist doctors in locating hard-to-view tumors or in directing needles into specific locations. Virtual reality, which exposes patients to their anxieties in a safe setting, is also being investigated as a phobia treatment method. 

Due to the above trends healthcare industry has grown significantly from the year 2017 to 2024. So, let’s have a look on the graphical presentation for the trends that has increased the revenue of medical technologies


Published by – Mediobanca 

The Benefits of Developing Custom Software for Healthcare

Healthcare companies may get several advantages from custom healthcare software development. Custom software enhances patient care, boosts productivity, and saves expenses by being made to fit the requirements of a healthcare company precisely. Some additional advantages of creating healthcare software include the following. 

What is the Custom Healthcare Software?

Custom software development is the process of designing, developing, implementing, and managing software for a particular group of people, tasks, or entities. Custom software development, as opposed to commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, focuses on a more specific set of needs. On the other hand, COTS aims to meet a wide range of specifications, making it suitable for packaging, commercial marketing, and distribution. 

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Custom vs. Off-the-Shelf Healthcare Software Development 

The question of whether custom or off-the-shelf healthcare software development is preferable is still up for discussion. Custom software has the unique quality of being made specifically for a single client to fulfill their unique set of needs. For instance, in the hospital industry, patient security and maintenance programs may be taken into consideration while developing software. 

This is different from off-the-shelf software development, which is more generic and not customized or adapted. Custom software is often created by in-house developers and is thus more expensive than off-the-shelf goods. As a result, there is a significant difference in the capabilities, usability, and performance of these innovative technologies. 

Custom-made healthcare software development is more expensive than off-the-shelf software, but customization is possible depending on the area of implementation. If you think your hospital's software will need to be heavily customized, selecting custom software development over off-the-shelf software is always preferable. 

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Custom Healthcare Software Development

Utilizing custom healthcare software has the following advantages:

  • Whether you're searching for additional mobile health records or an efficient patient portal, the technology gives you a great deal of customization options in every aspect. This could be a better choice for hospitals since healthcare software solutions need much development work. 
  • Because these software solutions are designed with a specific goal in mind, they are very efficient. This gives the program an extra layer of seamless operation, which makes it more user-friendly. 
  • Healthcare software development may be tailored to the current situation. Since customization is simple, you won't need to worry about the technical or legal elements.
  • The industry may expand and prosper with custom software.
  • The freedom from additional price gouging and license headaches is the finest aspect of not using commercial software.

The following are some drawbacks of using custom healthcare software:

  • It is more expensive and demands a one-time payment.
  • A significant amount of time was missed correctly identifying business requirements and determining how the healthcare application to be created would fulfill those needs before the construction of the custom software. 
  • Invisenergy in selecting the incorrect software development firm might be utterly pointless.

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Process of Custom Healthcare Software Development

The design and development of any other software product are comparable to the process of developing software for the medical field. It's a multi-step process from idea and research to product creation and maintenance. Typically, the phases of development consist of:

  1. Drafting the specifications for the project.
  2. Looking up the fundamentals of the proposed product.
  3. We are constructing a prototype for healthcare software.
  4. Both creation and design.
  5. We are examining the software for healthcare.
  6. Deployment and upkeep.

Why Is It Preferable to Contract Out the Development of Custom Software for Healthcare?


Over 76% of businesses favored software development outsourcing over in-house development, according to Deloitte's 2022 Global Outsourcing Survey. Among the causes are some of the following:

Economy of Cost

Due to funding shortages, 46% of companies are likely to fail. However, that is far less likely to happen if you use offshore developers. You won't have to pay for overhead expenses like payroll, office space, perks, and vacations. However, you might also spend this money to establish more critical domains. Furthermore, it is more economical since offshore developers charge much less for developing mobile apps or websites than they do in Western nations.

Access to the Newest Talent and Experts throughout the World. 

With it, you may establish connections with healthcare providers throughout the globe. If you don't have many experts in certain healthcare-related fields, offshore professionals may provide you with a wealth of knowledge and diverse skill sets. 

Increased Attention to Key Company Operations. 

When you don't have to waste time on unimportant tasks to hone the skills of your staff, you can devote more time and effort to projects that will really help your company. You won't need to provide offshore developers rounds of briefings and training since they are already proficient and competent in the field of medical software development. Instead, you may use this time to create vital healthcare resources. 

More Output and Time Savings

Working with offshore pros may save time and boost productivity in healthcare app development and website creation. Little time will be needed for training and skill development since these developers already possess the requisite abilities. You may dedicate significant time to HR procedures and operations.


With an internal team, it might be challenging to expand and manage the whole group or to make technological changes that would increase the project's scope. Software development services need a significant deal of flexibility. Because they are more numerous and versatile, you may work with the developers who meet your requirements the best when you work with them. 

The Price of Employing a Software Developer for Healthcare in Various Nations

A professional programmer with years of expertise often costs a lot of money, particularly in the healthcare sector. In the US, the average yearly compensation for a software engineer is $ 103,620. According to Glassdoor, software developers in Western Europe make $56 per hour in Germany, $82 in France, and $71 in the UK. 

These choices are expensive and need a significant financial commitment. Discover the most promising locations for software development outsourcing by researching the rates for healthcare engineers from across the globe. These will give you a better idea of what some reasonably priced possibilities look like. These include nations like China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Poland, and the Ukraine. When compared to their peers in the West, these software developers are paid almost half as much. For instance, the average pay for a healthcare software developer in Ukraine is almost $42. 

In other areas, the typical hourly rates for software development are as follows:

Europe East







Czech Republic






Source: SalaryExpert, Glassdoor, Indeed

South America





Costa Rica: 








Source: SalaryExpert, Glassdoor, Indeed














Source: SalaryExpert, Glassdoor, Indeed










South Africa 


Source: SalaryExpert, Glassdoor, Indeed

Advice for Finding and Selecting a Group of Remote Software Developers for Healthcare


Seek for a Track Record of Success. 

Check out a provider's rating on platforms like Clutch before employing them. Additionally, you may locate the clientele they have dealt with by searching for their profiles on LinkedIn. You may even go one step further and collect real testimonials from previous customers by getting in touch with them. 

Verify Their Process. 

You must comprehend how the group interacts with customers and assigns developers to specific projects. Consider your flexibility and choose only those candidates whose work processes align with your management style. 

Verify Whether They Can be Accessed with Current Codes

A developer may sometimes refuse to release a principle because of a personal dispute. Ensure you always have access to the code, even before collaboration on the project begins. 

If the Quote Is Too Low, Reject It.

It is imperative that you go for the best possible patient outcomes above low-cost bids. Money matters sometimes, even when it comes to quality. Recall that the final cost will be higher if the code has to be modified. 

Verify the Team's Cooperation. 

Make sure you are meeting your standards. If a developer complies with every request you make, it can only indicate that they must carefully review your specifications. The developer's particular abilities must be taken into account and used in your project. 

Obtain A Suitable Instrument for Project Management. 

Maintaining contact with the offshore developer will be much simpler with an appropriate collaboration tool.

Demand to be Updated

It is always necessary to request that the developers provide you updates and demonstrations on a regular basis.

Take an Active Role in the Team.

 Being proactive with the offshore team will enable you to stay informed about the progress of your project.

Why Choose Mtoag Technology When Hiring Devoted Healthcare Software Developers?

Developers working offshore are in plentiful supply. You must choose the most excellent option while selecting one for healthcare solutions. The following justifies your reliance on Mtoag Technology:

Working with Mtoag Technology gives you access to a diverse pool of software engineers that you would not discover working with a traditional development company. 

Get the Top Dev Shops: Only those who have successfully completed a multi-phase screening procedure are selected by Mtoag Technologies. Before giving them to consumers, their value and dependability are examined. After a thorough screening process, each team is hand-selected to provide the most significant outcomes. To ensure the highest caliber, tests are carried out while selecting engineers, and their codes are examined. You will be able to get the top personalized healthcare management systems by using this screening procedure. 

Scalable Teams: Startup initiatives are characterized by continuously shifting scopes, especially during the MVP stage. This is all taken care of at Mtoag Technologies, where customers have the freedom to grow the team based on their needs and the quality of developers required. 


The healthcare sector must digitize the healthcare system and preserve healthcare data in light of the COVID-19 viral pandemic. Because of these benefits, custom healthcare software development company is more helpful in this context than off-the-shelf solutions. In terms of skills and expertise, offshore developers may contribute significantly and are also less expensive.

Frequently Asked Questions

 Do you develop applications for mobile health?

Yes! We develop mobile applications for both medical professionals and their patients. Our team has experience creating both native apps for Android and iOS as well as their cross-platform equivalents.

What is included in a custom healthcare software development service?

When you hire a custom healthcare software development company, you collaborate with a group of skilled analysts and developers. These professionals will assist you with organizing your software solution, developing it utilizing dependable and safe coding techniques, launching your software, and providing support and maintenance after that.

How much is the cost to develop custom healthcare solutions?

The cost to develop any software depends on various factors like the number of features, type of complexity, tech stack you used, etc.

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