Top Healthcare Software Development Companies in 2024

Yogesh Pant
Mar 04, 2024


It is both mobile and lucrative to put time and effort into developing software for the healthcare industry. According to Statista, the value of the worldwide digital health industry was projected to reach $334 billion by 2022. Furthermore, by 2025, this amount is expected to increase to $657 billion. 

But what does it take to create software solutions for the healthcare industry and succeed in today's cutthroat market? That is a question we can respond to. We have a portfolio of successful healthcare projects, so we know what it takes to develop a solution that benefits both the target market and the company. 

The Locum App, a recruitment tool created for UK customers and optimized for web, iOS, and Android devices, is among our most intriguing instances. The pharmaceutical industry in the UK has unique difficulties, such as drawn-out hiring procedures. 

The technology-driven process of creating digital solutions and apps that aim to increase access to healthcare, streamline procedures, and safeguard your data from loss or compromise is known as healthcare software development or medical software development. Read this blog further to learn about healthcare software developments and the top healthcare software development companies in India for 2024.  

What Functions Do These Healthcare Software Programs Fulfill?

Every year, hospitals increase the size of their activities. They are now switching to specialized medical software to make expensive assets easier to maintain and operate. Furthermore, by using state-of-the-art healthcare IT systems, healthcare institutions may save operating expenses and optimize inventory stocking. 

Features like instant access to medical histories and treatment data are crucial to ensuring patient satisfaction. Automated scheduling, integrated communication networks, in-app messaging, and alerts allow for a quick and easy procedure that is ideal for client pleasure!

With healthcare software, doctors may also monitor their patients from a distance. People may rapidly consult and get a diagnosis independently without going to the doctor. 

Healthcare Software Types You Can Create

The healthcare sector uses a variety of app kinds in its software development. They may be divided into three primary groups based on the intended audience: administration, patients, and medical practitioners. Let's examine each in further depth. 

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Applications for Healthcare Professionals

These solutions increase the effectiveness of medical personnel and institutions. They support medical professionals in streamlining their operations and improving patient care. These applications might be used for the following things, for example:

  • Telemedicine
  • Reference to medicine
  • Remote patient observation
  • Management of appointments
  • Identification
  • Systems for electronic health records (EHRs) and electronic medical records (ERPs)

Applications for Medical Conditions

People may control their health and enhance their quality of life with the help of these apps. These remedies may center on the hospital or address other issues like forming new, healthful routines. They could discuss the following topics:

  • Self-examination
  • Telemedicine
  • Scheduling appointments
  • Mental well-being
  • Women's well-being
  • Health and well-being
  • Monitoring of habits

Applications for Management

These applications are designed to streamline medical staff members' workflow and make administrative administration procedures easier. The following are the most common uses of these medicinal solutions:

  • Invoicing
  • Making Plans
  • Inventory control
  • Systems for electronic health records (EHRs) and electronic medical records (ERPs)
  • Manage practices

As you can see, there are several uses for software development in the medical field. Choosing the ideal app for your company objectives is simple, whether a habit tracker or a medical scheduling app.

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The Advantages of Developing Software for Healthcare

The widespread use of technology in the healthcare industry has created several prospects for enhancing and innovating the delivery of healthcare services. In addition to revolutionizing the medical field, developing specialized healthcare software opens up new opportunities for stakeholders to improve patient outcomes and care delivery and save money overall. The following is a summary of the main advantages of developing software for healthcare:

Enhanced Productivity

The capacity of healthcare software development to improve efficiency and simplify procedures is one of its most notable benefits. Healthcare personnel may spend more time with patients using software that automates administrative duties and minimizes paperwork. 

Improved Medical Attention

The quality of patient care may be significantly enhanced by healthcare software. It gives medical practitioners a thorough understanding of a patient's past, empowering them to make choices based on accurate and current facts. Additionally, by facilitating communication between patients and their healthcare professionals, these technologies enhance the patient experience overall and guarantee consistent treatment.  

Security and Data Management

One of the main advantages of developing software for healthcare is effective data management. Healthcare software solutions facilitate smooth information flow across departments by providing safe storage and simple patient data retrieval. Furthermore, by adhering to strict security procedures, these software programs support legal compliances such as HIPAA and data privacy. 

Economy of Cost

Healthcare software solutions may significantly lower healthcare delivery costs by increasing productivity and decreasing mistakes. They may facilitate the more effective use of resources, reduce waste, and optimize resource allocation. Processing insurance claims and automated invoicing may reduce income loss and enhance financial management. 

Remote Patient Surveillance

In the current digital era, remote patient monitoring is now possible because of advancements in healthcare software. It benefits senior care, post-operative care, and chronic disease management. Patients may cut down on pointless hospital stays and the accompanying expenses by providing healthcare from the comfort of their homes. 

Investigation and Creation

Finally, the creation of software for the healthcare industry has a significant impact on medical research and development. This program collects data, which may be examined to find patterns and trends. This allows for predictive analysis, improved treatment plans, and medical advances.  

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Software Development Trends and Technologies in Healthcare

Every specialty has to stay up to date with emerging trends and technology, and software development for healthcare is no different. By doing this, you can stay ahead of your rivals and provide more pertinent solutions for today's dynamic and cutting-edge market. 

These are some recent developments, which include cutting-edge tools for developing software for the healthcare industry.


With the use of distributed databases, this technology makes digital data storage secure. Thanks to blockchain technology, medical institutions may now interface with several HER systems and communicate patient data more securely; to provide patients autonomy over their data, you may also design decentralized patient portals. 

VR and AR

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology have several applications for medical facilities and patients. For example, using body mapping in augmented reality in healthcare enhances diagnosis and increases the efficiency of medical operations. VR, on the other hand, may be used in mental health therapies since it can help people overcome specific phobias. This technology may also alleviate pain (e.g., using virtual games to divert patients). Virtual reality may also improve the comfort of hospital visits. 


This COVID-19 epidemic has made technology immensely useful. It has several benefits, including saving medical organizations' resources and lowering healthcare costs. Specifically, telemedicine makes the necessary medical professionals accessible to individuals anywhere in the globe. That's why, while creating medical software, telemedicine developments should be taken into account. 


Analyzing natural language material from text, audio, photos, and other sources is made possible by these technologies. NLP, for instance, is used in healthcare to filter and organize complicated, unstructured medical data, such as doctor's notes. Providing insightful information on patient observations may enhance the therapeutic procedures. 

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Difficulties in Software Development and Their Solutions

Software development for the healthcare industry has its share of problems like any other. Acquiring knowledge about them either mitigates or, in the best-case scenario, eliminates potential hazards. 

Let's take a closer look at the most common problems with software development in the healthcare industry.

Insufficient Technical Knowledge

The healthcare industry has one of the most significant demands for skilled developers, even though this problem is common. It would help if you located experts with enough expertise to create digital health items. Regretfully, it is uncommon to find this combo. 

Fortunately, there's a chance that outsourcing the work will help. This solution will increase your options, save you some money, and provide you access to a global talent pool. The rates of foreign specialists could seem much less than the typical salary of developers in your nation. 

Data Security and Privacy Issues

Adherence to stringent laws such as HIPAA, GDPR, and FDA is typically necessary in the medical software development industry. In addition, you may have to abide by specific industry guidelines and security requirements. 

Because medical data is so sensitive, your system has to take extra precautions to secure it. Invest in medical data security to make that happen, and run different software checks to find any weaknesses. 

Integration Difficulties

The sharing of data may be encouraged by some digital health solutions. For example, a fitness app may request a new user link to their smartwatch or health account. Customers want the app to preserve their data while doing this and to provide more tailored, relevant recommendations. 

It could lead to issues, particularly when deploying updated versions of the same medical software across several platforms. As a result, it's essential to guarantee seamless interfaces to minimize delays or outages. 

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The Price of Developing Software for the Healthcare Industry

As previously said, the typical cost to design a healthcare app may range from $40,000 to $300,000 and beyond. The following are the main variables that influence it:


Employing experts for outsourcing is more expensive than collaborating with an internal team. That is only accurate, however, if your employer provides a consistent workload. If not, hiring less expensive foreign developers is a more cost-effective choice. 


Developing healthcare software takes time because it has to integrate with third-party apps and safeguard patient data. Additionally, because of the urgency, you could have to spend more money to have a healthcare item sooner. 

Complexity of the Software

This component depends on the tech stack, design solutions, and feature count required. More money and effort are needed for sophisticated healthcare systems. However, these medical applications are also a good investment since they provide additional features and capabilities to your target audience. 

Top Healthcare Software Development Companies in 2024

You must collaborate with one of the top healthcare software development companies with the necessary experience to ensure that your concept will be turned into a unique, high-quality solution. We have compiled a list of reliable firms. 

Mtoag Technology

Location: US, UK, India

Founding Year: 2009

After over 20 years of operation in the IT sector, Mtoag Technologies has established a solid reputation as a trustworthy provider of healthcare software development services. Mtoag Technologies is a software development company specializing in healthcare software, but it also develops robust software solutions for other business fields. This healthcare solutions supplier now offers hundreds of medical software packages for physicians, patients, and organizations. 

The company provides:

  • State-of-the-art IoT solutions for remote treatment.
  • Enhanced telemedicine apps with video streaming capabilities.
  • VR/AR apps for physicians.
  • AI/ML apps that may significantly improve diagnostic accuracy and treatment efficacy.

Solutions from Mtoag Technology stand out for their outstanding security, dependability, and cutting-edge features, enabling them to meet various user needs. These apps have shown excellent performance and are now used by people and organizations worldwide. The developers at Mtoag Technology are not only very skilled at creating cutting-edge software solutions, but they also have a deep understanding of market needs and regulatory compliance, including GDPR and HIPAA, among others. 

Kanda Software


Place: USA

Founding Year: 1993

Kanda comes in second on our list of the best medical software development companies. Kanda was one of the first startups in the digital health space. The company has a long history of more than 30 years and has been doing well domestically and abroad ever since. 

Businesses of all shapes and sizes, from ambitious startups to well-established Fortune 500 firms, are among Kanda's clientele. The Kanda team is willing to work on even the most challenging medical software projects and is always open to new ideas. The group offers all phases of service provision, including design, development, and support. 



Place: India

Founding Year: 2015.

Appinventiv has been regarded as one of the leading providers of healthcare software development for over eight years. The company's portfolio consists of more than 20 projects that were completed successfully for customers in the healthcare sector. Diagnose apps, patient treatment solutions, clinical management systems, medical insurance applications, lab management apps, and electronic health record solutions are just a few of the developed software products available. 

The development team has experience creating several kinds of software to automate and streamline processes at international health and fitness businesses. The business works on projects of any size, ranging from massive systems to standard mobile applications and MVPs. 



Place: Argentina

Founding Year: 2009

International clients are served by the Latin American development company BairesDev. BairesDev develops a variety of software for patients and healthcare practitioners with varying demands and specifications to produce high-quality medical software. 

The team creates solutions for pregnancy care applications, telemedicine solutions, women's health apps, and many more. These software solutions provide improved treatment quality, more accurate diagnosis, and a dependable line of communication between medical professionals, patients, and their families. BairesDev delivers a variety of collaboration methods to its customers in order to provide the necessary flexibility. 

Hertz Leeway


Place: USA

Founding Year: 2007

Well-known for having exceptional expertise, LeewayHertz is a healthcare software development business. The business has established a solid reputation as a trustworthy IT partner for customers with wildly disparate requirements and standards. The developers at LeewayHertz are highly skilled and knowledgeable in a wide range of technologies, including blockchain, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. 

The company's specialists are able to create innovative products such as IoT healthcare software, mobile health apps, telemedicine applications, patient engagement tools, and remote symptom monitoring systems because of their knowledge and comprehension of the demands and standards of the modern healthcare industry. 



Place: USA

Founding year: 2001

TatvaSoft works with healthcare institutions of all sizes and can solve even the most challenging problems. The business uses a sophisticated tech stack. Its solutions can be easily included in its customers' more enormous software architecture thanks to the techniques it has used. 

It is evident from the company's list of services for the healthcare sector that its developers are capable of creating almost any kind of software or system that end users might want. It comprises electronic health record systems, patient care portals, medical device management tools, and solutions for analyzing and administrating patient data, among other things. 



Place: Germany, Italy, Poland, UK, USA

Founding Year: 2007

Since 2007, this business has been effectively offering services for developing healthcare apps. It collaborates with US and European pharmaceutical firms, healthcare organizations, medical device makers, telemedicine companies, and medical universities. The development team provides scalable and very dependable solutions for laboratories, assisted living facilities, hospitals, clinics, and medical institutes. These applications' features may be directed toward medical professionals, physicians, administrative workers, and patients.

At Innowise, the project realization process always begins with thoroughly examining the client's needs and the industry and legal requirements in the selected jurisdiction where the app will be accessible.



Place: USA

Establishment Year: 1989

Over thirty years ago, ScienceSoft was founded as a software development and IT consulting company. But a few years later, in 2005, it entered the healthcare software market and began serving customers in this sector. With over 100 software projects developed for medical labs, clinics, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, and startups, the firm can combine more than 100 successfully deployed software projects.

The developers at ScienceSoft have produced a variety of solutions, such as patient-centered software, administrative software, software for medical personnel, and IoMT-based applications for inventory management, asset tracking, and remote patient monitoring.


World-Class Software Development Solutions | About Chetu

Place: USA

Founding Year: 2000.

As a healthcare software development firm, Chetu provides scalable software solutions to facilitate simple communication between medical professionals and patients, exchange files and data, track symptoms, gather medical records in one location, and perform various other functions. The Chetu team can create new applications from scratch and work with old systems to change their design, modernize them, add new features, and move data and software to other platforms. 

Chetu is now concentrating on using ML models and AI technologies. When widely used, they can completely redefine medical software's possibilities, effectiveness, and usefulness. 



Place: India

Founding Year: 2014

Additionally, Matellio maintains its standing as one of the leading global providers of healthcare software development services. Its skilled developers have been producing HIPAA-compliant mobile and online applications driven by cutting-edge technology like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things for almost ten years. 

When discussing the products created and developed by Matellio, we should bring out the many options for automated clinical workflow, individualized patient experiences, and providing digital healthcare services to a broad user base. These cutting-edge devices can completely transform how the conventional healthcare sector operates and alter how patients and healthcare professionals interact.

How Do You Choose the Top Software Development Company for Healthcare?

There are many participants in the software development business, and some are fierce rivals, which might make decision-making challenging. Let's quickly review the steps you should take to collaborate with a team that can produce a superior end product that will exceed your expectations.

The following characteristics, clues, and signals might show you that the business you are considering is among the top providers of healthcare software development and merits your notice:

  • The business has an impressive portfolio that includes medical software projects and a robust tech stack.
  • It provides flexible parameters for collaboration and can modify the project team to meet your needs.
  • With a team, communication is effortless and not hindered by language barriers.
  • The projected project expenses line up with your financial plan and expectations.
  • The business can effectively handle the fulfillment of your project because it fully comprehends your concept and its needs.


Choosing an app development team is a serious undertaking since your decision will significantly influence your project's success from the start to the finish. You should thoroughly consider all of your alternatives and evaluate many healthcare software development firms.

At Mtoag Technologies, we have a proven track record in this field and constantly do our most challenging to create cutting-edge, legally acceptable medical software. Please submit your request on our website to learn more about our offerings and working conditions with our team.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the software development life cycle in healthcare?

The healthcare software development life cycle (SDLC) in healthcare involves designing, developing, testing, deploying, and maintaining medical software applications. Such solutions cover regulatory compliance, interoperability, patient safety, user-centric design, data security, and scalability.

Which SDLC model is best for the healthcare industry?

The best SDLC model for healthcare depends on project specifics and organizational preferences. Agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban are popular due to their flexibility, iterative development, and regular feedback.

How long does it take to develop healthcare software?

It can take 1-3 months to build a basic app and 5-8 months to develop a complex solution.

What are the costs of building a healthcare app?

The average cost of a healthcare development app starts at $55,000 and may reach $300,000 or beyond.

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