Mobile App Maintenance Guide on How to Keep Your App Optimal

Yogesh Pant
Jul 22, 2024


So, you got the delivery of your mobile app from your development partner, and now you think all of your challenging phases have passed. You’re probably taking it all wrong. Just like you regularly exercise and go to the gym to maintain your body, your mobile app also needs to be frequently maintained to work optimally. That’s why investing in mobile app maintenance and support services can add to your app’s long life. It is essential to keep your app usable, secure, and thriving for years to come. 

In today’s competitive world, app maintenance is way more than just bug fixes. It’s all about the improvements based on user feedback and adaption. By frequently updating your app to be more user-friendly and integrating it with trending features, there would be no one stopping your app to be successful. According to Statista, there are nearly 4 million apps on the Google Play Store and 2 million on Apple’s App Store. These figures show the fierce competition, underscoring the importance of regular maintenance for competitive advantage. 

That’s not all! A recent study by Gartner revealed that 85% of customer interactions with mobile apps will be without human involvement. This highlights the need for mobile app maintenance to ensure smooth customer experiences. Skipping to invest in mobile app maintenance may result in poor performance, security vulnerabilities, and user dissatisfaction, which directly impacts the business growth. 

So, if you’re still not convinced about investing in mobile app maintenance and support services, just read this guide once. By the end, you will probably have solid reasons to understand the long-term benefits and cost savings that come with regular updates, enhanced user experience, and uninterrupted service that keeps your app competitive in a rapidly evolving digital marketplace.

Key Statistics Showing the Importance of Regular App Maintenance and Support Services

  • The market for Application Management Services was worth USD 160.1 Billion in 2023. It's expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.51% from 2024 to 2030, reaching a projected value of USD 711.1 billion by 2030. (Source: Verifiedmarketresearch)
  • 72% of users anticipate that any bugs they report will be fixed within a day. (Source: Moldstud)
  • Unfortunately, 85% of software failures are attributable to preventable bugs, highlighting the importance of regular maintenance. (Source: Moldstud)
  • Investing in continuous improvements can positively impact customer retention, with businesses seeing a 10% increase in retention rates. (Source: Moldstud)
  • Notably, 80% of an app's total cost is incurred after its initial development and launch, underscoring the substantial investment required for post-launch maintenance. (Source: Zucisystems)
  • Despite a negative first experience with an app, 16% of users are willing to give it a second chance. (Source: Zucisystems)


What Is Mobile App Maintenence?

Mobile app development is a comprehensive process that involves testing, reviewing, resolving, and enhancing every critical element of a mobile app to align with users' evolving demands. This process also guarantees that the app remains compatible with the latest updates in the software environment, safeguarding both the user's information and the app's integrity.

Maintenance is an integral component in the entire mobile app development lifecycle, vital for sustaining business growth and ensuring user contentment.

Now that you have understood the significance of app maintenance, it's time to learn what mobile app maintenance matters for your business. 

Why Mobile App Maintenance Matters?

As said above, mobile app maintenance is crucial for businesses to stay competitive. But it offers far more benefits than just a competitive advantage. So, here are some key benefits of mobile app maintenance: 

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1. Improved User Experience

Today, users seek swift, intuitive, and visually appealing apps. Developers who use platforms such as Laravel, Angular JS, Bootstrap, and React Native are tasked with continuously improving their apps. For instance, a company specializing in React Native app development can witness a surge in profits by consistently refining the user experience through regular updates.

Addressing flaws and errors in earlier versions of an app is imperative. These early identifications rectify issues and advance the app's functionality and aesthetic. Another pivotal aspect is customization, which elevates the user experience. 

By frequently updating applications, developers can calibrate the app to match user preferences, offering a more personalized touch. The analysis of user data is instrumental in tailoring apps to cater to unique user desires and necessities, thereby significantly enriching user engagement.

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2. Bug Fixes

Even the most secured apps are not immune to bugs that slip past the development and testing phases. Such bugs can deteriorate the user experience and even lead to application crashes, tarnishing the brand's image.

It is crucial to have a robust mobile app bug tracking system to identify and rectify these bugs, ensuring the application operates seamlessly. Upon detecting a bug, the development team must act swiftly to resolve it and roll out an update promptly.

Consistent updates can help identify and fix a variety of bugs. For instance, a bug may cause the application to hang or shut down unexpectedly, a feature might malfunction, or the app could excessively consume battery or storage space. Regular updates tackle these problems, thus preserving the quality of the user experience.

3. Security Enhancements

App security is of utmost importance, and developers should always give it top priority. In an era where cybersecurity threats are increasing and hackers are constantly probing for vulnerabilities, it is essential to implement timely updates to address security concerns within an app. This segment underscores the necessity of security enhancements as part of application support and maintenance services.


Frequent updates significantly protect an app's security posture. Cybersecurity breaches can lead to substantial financial damage and reputational harm. 

Developers must stay abreast of the latest security protocols and integrate them to safeguard user data. Regular updates serve as a defense mechanism, patching up security gaps and maintaining the app's safety.

4. Compatibility with New Technology

What if your app lacks AI chatbots, but your competitors have them? There is a chance that users will start abandoning your app. With the frequent release of new mobile devices and operating systems, it's essential for apps to be regularly updated to prevent compatibility issues. 

Apps that are not consistently updated may encounter difficulties with emerging technologies, such as suboptimal performance or crashes on the latest devices. To avert these issues, it's necessary to keep your app updated, ensuring it operates smoothly across all devices and enhances both speed and efficiency, which contributes to an improved user experience.

Moreover, updating apps for compatibility expands their usability to a broader audience, including those with the newest devices or operating systems. Neglecting updates can exclude a significant segment of your potential user base who are unable to use the app on their modern devices.

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5. Staying Ahead of the Competition

Maintaining a lead is imperative in today’s business landscape, particularly within the mobile app market. App developers must frequently update their apps to remain competitive and retain their user base.

Strategic updates can distinguish an app by introducing new and innovative features. For example, incorporating a feature unavailable in a rival's app can attract new users and retain existing ones. Launching new features ahead of competitors can provide a distinct competitive advantage.

6. Higher App Store Ranking

It is no secret that keeping your app updated is essential for staying ahead. A key advantage of timely updates is the potential to secure a higher ranking in app stores. Factors such as user ratings and reviews, download counts, and retention rates influence app store rankings. 


Regular updates can enhance these metrics, elevating your ranking, increasing visibility, and encouraging more downloads. Mobile app support and maintenance services can boost your app store ranking by responding to user feedback. 

Addressing identified issues or integrating requested features through updates can result in more favorable reviews and elevated ratings. Furthermore, updates offer a chance to showcase new and improved features, creating excitement and drawing in new users.

7. Reduced Negative Feedback

Maintaining your mobile app can help minimize negative feedback. By promptly addressing bugs and issues, the likelihood of users encountering issues is reduced, leading to a decrease in adverse reviews and an enhancement in app store ratings. Maintaining a favorable reputation is essential for ensuring ongoing downloads and user engagement.

Reacting quickly to user feedback and suggestions through updates improves the user experience and demonstrates a developer's dedication to excellence. This commitment can be showcased during the app's testing phase with prototyping services or during a relaunch. 

Ultimately, this approach to feedback results in greater user satisfaction and loyalty, fostering the growth of the app's user community.

8. Introducing New Features

Application maintenance services are crucial in incorporating new features and functionalities into apps, keeping them abreast of the latest technological trends and user expectations. Developers can enhance user involvement and discover new revenue streams by introducing the latest features. 

For example, a fitness app may add new workout routines or dietary plans to maintain user interest, while a productivity app could unveil new tools or integrations to boost efficiency.

Consistently rolling out new features enables leading mobile app development firms in the USA to outpace their competitors and improve the user experience. 

However, it's vital to ensure that these new additions do not compromise the app's stability or introduce new bugs. Developers should conduct extensive testing of new features before their release to preserve a positive user experience.

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9. Boosting User Engagement

For companies specializing in custom Android app development services, timely updates are essential for enhancing user engagement. These updates serve as a barometer for customer satisfaction with the custom application. Here's how prompt updates can elevate user engagement:

  • Introducing new features: New features keep the app dynamic and engaging, prompting users to revisit.
  • Improving user experience: Consistent updates refine the app's usability, leading to more frequent use and engagement.
  • Addressing user feedback: User feedback is invaluable. Updates that consider user input make users feel acknowledged and appreciated.

Elevating user engagement is fundamental to an app's ensuring success. Timely updates that polish the user experience, heed feedback, rectify bugs, and debut new features are vital to keeping users captivated. Prioritizing mobile app maintenance and updates is a strategic move for the sustained triumph of your app in a fluctuating market.

10. Data Analytics

Data stands as a vital resource for app developers, and its analysis is key to effective app maintenance. Regular updates empower developers to improve their data analytics prowess. This enhancement fosters a more profound comprehension of user behavior, which translates to better app performance, increased user engagement, and more informed business decisions. 


Here are ways that mobile app maintenance and support services can amplify data analytics for app developers:

  • Expanded data access: As the app's user base expands, so does the volume of data generated. Regular updates ensure developers can harness the most current user data for informed decision-making.
  • Refined tracking: Enhancing tracking systems through updates allows developers to collect more pertinent data, which is crucial for tailoring the user experience.

Types of Mobile App Maintenance

Mobile app maintenance isn’t just a standalone but a detailed process that includes six distinct types that serve various purposes throughout an app's lifecycle. 

Emergency Maintenance

This is the go-to solution when an app suddenly malfunctions or ceases to function. Emergency maintenance swiftly tackles critical problems that disrupt the app's regular operation, necessitating immediate attention and resolution.

Corrective Maintenance

This maintenance approach aims to smooth out minor flaws that don't necessarily affect the app but its user experience. Issues typically addressed by corrective maintenance range from aesthetic design flaws to logical discrepancies within the app. It's an ongoing process that's essential for the app's lifespan, ensuring a consistently polished user experience.

Preventive Maintenance

It is a forward-thinking strategy that focuses on refining the app's codebase to prevent potential bugs. By continuously monitoring and updating the code, the development team preempts problems, thereby boosting the app's performance. 


This type of maintenance is comprehensive, including regular system checks, architecture oversight, and systematic regression testing to ensure everything runs like clockwork.

Adaptive Maintenance

This type of maintenance, known as adaptive maintenance, doesn't alter the core app but updates it to operate in new environments, ensuring the app stays compatible with the latest operating systems.

Businesses may implement minor modifications to their applications to guarantee they remain functional with evolving systems and hardware. 

Perfective Maintenance

The mobile app development teams may undertake substantial revisions to continually enhance a mobile app, infusing new features and capabilities. Perfective maintenance is driven by user feedback and the development team's anticipatory evaluations, focusing on elevating the user experience and the app's intrinsic value.

Evolutionary Maintenance

A strategic, long-term vision is essential in mobile app development. Evolutionary maintenance involves implementing additional modules to the app, rendering it more flexible, user-friendly, and efficient over time. This approach streamlines the app's evolution, reducing the need for numerous maintenance activities in the future.

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Best Practices for Mobile App Maintenance

Mobile application maintenance is a disciplined process that yields positive outcomes when implemented right with best practices, such as:

Feature Enhancement

In a world where market dynamics and user preferences are constantly changing, it's crucial to integrate the app with innovative features that captivate users. Insights from app reviews and user surveys are instrumental in discerning user interests and the latest trends, enabling the development of features that resonate with users' needs. This strategy ensures sustained user engagement with the app.


UI Redesign

As design aesthetics and user interaction patterns shift, it's essential to refresh the app's user interface to keep pace with contemporary styles and preferences. For example, a minimalist design approach is increasingly popular among users for its seamless navigation and ease of finding features, contributing to a frictionless app experience.

Performance Monitoring

Regularly assessing the app's performance is vital to ensure it meets user expectations, especially during high-traffic periods. Utilizing analytics reports to track performance variations and identify areas for improvement is critical to optimizing the app. This proactive monitoring leaves no stone unturned in providing users with a reliable and efficient app experience.

Fix issues Instantly

Addressing early issues is crucial, as users have little patience for app crashes, bugs, or slowdowns. Such issues can prompt users to abandon the app, negatively impacting its success. The technical team must conduct regular tests to prevent these issues from deteriorating the user experience and causing business losses.

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License Verification

In the current tech landscape, many apps are built using technologies that require licenses. These licenses must be periodically renewed to ensure the app continues to function seamlessly. Regular app maintenance is key to managing these licenses effectively.

Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance involves thoroughly examining the app at regular intervals. This practice is vital to confirm that the app operates as intended, free from any unforeseen glitches or crashes that could compromise the user experience.

How Much Does Mobile App Maintenance Cost?

When it comes to maintaining the mobile app, you will surely encounter various expenses, including server management, push notification service integration, and payment processing system handling.

Launching your app on Google Play and the Apple App Store is just the beginning. It's crucial to keep an eye on vital statistics such as Daily Active Users (DAU), which shows the number of users actively engaging with your app and those who have installed it. 

At the same time, observing Monthly Active Users (MAU) gives you a broader perspective on user interaction over time. A robust DAU and MAU count often signals that your app is resonating well with users.

After development and release, your app enters the maintenance phase, which can be quite costly. In the initial year, these expenses can amount to half of the overall development budget. However, this percentage typically falls to between 15% and 25% in the years that follow.


If your app is designed to function across various platforms, like Android and iOS, you might see a slight increase in maintenance costs. Initially, app owners can anticipate a monthly expense of approximately $2,000 to $2,500 to ensure their app functions smoothly.

A well-planned budget for app maintenance would allocate about 20% of the original development expenses. For example, if the development of your app costs $200,000, you should be prepared to invest around $40,000 annually for its maintenance. 

Factors Affecting the Cost of Mobile App Maintenance

When budgeting for mobile app development, it's crucial not to overlook the ongoing costs associated with app maintenance. 

Here's a breakdown of the factors that can potentially affect your app maintenance cost: 


A key expense in mobile app maintenance is hosting, which involves storing your app's database on a server to keep it operational. Thanks to cloud hosting solutions like AWS and GCP, hosting costs have significantly decreased. It's important to get a comprehensive maintenance cost estimate from a reputable app development company that includes hosting fees.


Mobile app analytics tools such as Google Analytics enable developers to gather valuable insights about how their app interacts with users in the real world. This data is critical for making informed decisions about app maintenance. Keep in mind that the more sophisticated the analytics you require, the higher the cost. However, the expense is justified when considering the potential impact of an undetected bug versus the investment in a robust analytics system.

Third-party Integration

Incorporating third-party integrations into your app can escalate maintenance costs, as these services often come with recurring fees. It's essential to factor in these costs when calculating the overall expenses for app maintenance.


Customer Support

Prompt resolution of customer issues is crucial for maintaining user satisfaction and favorable app ratings, especially for consumer-centric apps like those in e-commerce. Investing in a dedicated customer support team is a critical consideration that can directly impact your app's success.

App Complexity

The maintenance cost of a mobile app is influenced by its type, size, and the intricacy of its design and features. Introducing sophisticated features or revamping the UI/UX design can modernize the app but also proportionately increase maintenance expenses.


Mobile app maintenance is a critical component of development. Yet, businesses often overlook the fundamental need for an app to work optimally. The biggest reason behind this can be a lack of money, leading to a decline in app quality over time. This can result in an app's downfall despite a good response after the app launch. Therefore, app maintenance isn’t just a choice but a necessity. 

That’s all in this guide! For more information on app maintenance and support services, you can refer to the FAQ section below. 


What is the Maintenance of an App?

Mobile app maintenance is the ongoing process of updating and improving an app after launch to ensure it remains functional, secure, and relevant to user needs.

What is Meant by Application Maintenance?

App maintenance refers to the routine activities involved in keeping an app operational, such as fixing bugs, updating content, and enhancing features.

What is the Maintenance of App Design?

It involves regularly updating the app's user interface and experience to meet current design trends and user expectations.

How Often Do Apps Need Maintenance?

Apps typically require maintenance at regular intervals, which can vary from weekly to monthly, depending on user feedback, technological advancements, and security needs.

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