NativeScript vs. React Native: Which One to Choose 2024?

Yogesh Pant
Dec 26, 2023

Cross-platform app development has a lot of advantages, but the user experience and performance of the app must be compromised. Even if there are a ton of innovative cross-platform app development strategies available, they sometimes fall short of native applications’ allure.

There will always be a choice between native and cross-platform software development for company owners. Furthermore, this discussion has reached a new height due to the advancement of technology and the arrival of cutting-edge native app development frameworks like NativeScript and React Native. 

We have now produced a thorough study that will assist entrepreneurs and start-up companies in making an informed decision between NativeScript vs. React Native. We will also get a clear understanding of each technology’s weaknesses and the challenges they uniquely tackle by comparing them.

How Does NativeScript Work?

JavaScript and CSS are used by NativeScript, a well-known iOS and Android app development platform, to improve user experience. Its customized tech stack enables business applications to provide end users with a native-like experience. NativeScript is built on top of TypeScript or JavaScript. It’s becoming the ‘go-to’ tool for framework-neutral teams creating visually striking cross-platform JavaScript applications.

In the comparison between Nativescript and ReactNative, developers using NativeScript may reuse third-party libraries from CocoaPods, Maven, and other sources without the need for wrappers. Angular and Vue.js are two popular frameworks that NativeScript supports.

NativeScript's Benefits

Now that you have a quick overview of NativeScript technology, let’s have a look at some of its incredible benefits. This well-liked framework offers a superb fusion of functionality and efficiency. 

  • The NativeScript-developed application has the full appearance and feel of a Native application.
  • It utilizes the Command Line Interface (CLU) to achieve its goals and supports both new and current libraries.
  • The most recent and future mobile OS versions are very compatible with it since NativeScript constantly updates its functionality. 
  • Developing reliable apps using NativeScript is made simpler if developers possess a solid grasp of XML, JavaScript, and CSS. 

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Drawbacks using NativeScript

Like any other framework for creating apps, NativeScript has its share of drawbacks. Acquiring a thorough understanding of the drawbacks will enable enterprises to make informed decisions when deciding between NativeScript and React Native.

  • Not all of the accessible user interface components are free; some need payment. 
  • DOM (Document Object Model) and HTML are not supported. 
  • When it comes to debugging in NativeScript vs. React Native, the latter comes out on top. 
  • NativeScript debugging is challenging since it requires the usage of a device or emulator. 
  • Some necessary libraries, like jQuery, are inaccessible to NativeScript developers.
  • The NativeScript development community is constantly adding resources and documentation.
  • In order to access the platform’s functionalities, developers must become knowledgeable about Android and iOS APIs. 

What Is React Native?

JavaScript is the main language used by React Native to create cross-platform mobile apps. Facebook is a big supporter of this free and open-source platform for creating mobile apps. React Native makes it simpler for developers to create Native mobile applications for iOS and Android.

Front-end developers may now work with web-based technologies more extensively and produce dynamic, produce-ready applications for mobile app platforms thanks to React Native. Additionally, developers just need to create the code once to create applications for iOS and Android. Both time and a great deal of resources are saved as a consequence. 

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Benefits of React Native

The rivalry between NativeScript and React Native is fierce. Consequently, it’s critical to fully understand the benefits of React Native to choose the best app development framework:

  • React Native has a sizable developer community since Facebook strongly supports it. 
  • Support for Virtual DOM to improve each mobile application’s speed is another benefit of React Native over NativeScript. 
  • Because JavaScript is at the heart of React Native, its learning curve is simpler than that of NativeScript. 
  • Its auto-reload feature allows developers to see changes right away without having to recompile the application. 
  • Uploading an app using React Native does not need approval from the App Store or Play Store. 
  • React Native-built applications provide a superior native-rich user experience. 

Drawbacks using React Native

  • Companies should be aware of a few React Native flaws to make better decisions. Let’s have a look:
  • React Native support will need additional time to fix any device-related problems. 
  • Why and when creating iOS applications, React Native is a better choice than Android apps. 
  • React Native applications use up more RAM on the smartphone. 
  • To utilize the device camera in React Native, you must integrate platform-specific modules. 

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A Comparative Overview of NativeScript vs React Native

Based on an analysis of NativeScript and React Native, it is evident that there is a fierce rivalry between these two app development platforms. As a result, we have examined the performance of NativeScript vs. React Native and compiled a list of several paradigms to make the choices easier for business houses to navigate; please have a look. 

However, first let’s look into a tabular form comparison and then go into the details for it. 



React Native


Progress Telerik

Facebook (now Meta)

Release Year



Nature of apps

Natively rendered Nobile apps

Cross-platform native mobile apps

Language Support

A mixture of JavaScript and a special markup language, JSX

JavaScript and a subset of CSS


Comparatively slow due to divided components

Performs well due to use of Virtual DOM


Easy to understand

Lacks details leaving beginners confused

Thread model

Single-threaded model

Multi-threaded architecture

Application Size






Platform Support

Android, Android TV, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Web, Windows, and UWP

Apple iOS and Android

Web application development

Only possible with Angular + NativeScript or NativeScript-Vue.


Native functionality access

Native API access through JavaScript

Native modules

Code Sharing

Lesser code sharing due to component styling for individual platforms

Increased code sharing as code is written once




Plugin Marketplace 

No official plugin marketplace

Has an official marketplace of plugins


Bigger and mature

Comparatively smaller


Most popular

Not so popular


Mostly asynchronous




Both NativeScript and React Native have a devoted user base when it comes to popularity. In comparison to NativeScript, React Native is somewhat more popular since it is simpler to locate and employ developers in this area. Additionally, because of its well-known developer community, developers get unwavering assistance when creating apps. 

React Native is a superior web framework compared to Angular.js, Angular 2, and Vue.js. More developers seem to choose React Native.

Winner: React Native

Learning Curve

React and NativeScript Only JS-savvy developers are unable to handle natively. Let’s think about this. Initially, developers with experience with Angular will find NativeScript easier to use. Programmers having experience with React, however, will find the transition to React Native simpler. 

One thing to remember is that JavaScript is used by both platforms. This is an amazing opportunity for front-end developers. It is a little easier to understand these frameworks now. 

If you go with React Native, you just require JavaScript, whereas NativeScript helps with its declarative writing style. 

Winner: There is no difference between the two.

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Code Exchange

Now, both app development frameworks –NativeScript and React Native –have a lot of components when it comes to code exchange. When used, they compile to native-default styles, which can need modification to fit the platform requirements of the developing program. React Native places more of a focus on personalizing the components for each forum to provide a more authentic native look and feel. NativeScript, on the other hand, is more in favor of “write once, run everywhere,” even if its components may be individually altered to resemble native applications. But when a lot of native platform components are employed, the fraction of code sharing decreases. Additionally, to profit from code sharing, you must have a top-tier React Native app development company or NativeScript app development on your side.   

Both app development frameworks, React Native and NativeScript, concentrate on creating more custom-styled applications to streamline the process of transferring the codebase, even it up to 90% of the code may be shared in the apps. 

Winner: There is no difference between the two.

Including the Native APIs

For cross-platform programs to have more advanced functions, easy interaction with Native APIs is required. React Native’s basic API modules provide developers access to native device capabilities. Because so many modules are currently accessible, the community has built the required API bridges for all but the most complicated processes. On the other hand, you will need to build the bridge yourself if your application requires a functionality that is not supported. Although official tools for building API bridges are provided by React locals, utilizing their tales is more than just moderate proficiency in one’s local tongue.

When it comes to integrating Native APIs, NativeScript is superior. Instead of using API bridges, NativeScript uses a different approach by injecting all iOS and Android APIs into JavaScript virtual machines (after This makes using native APIs easier and eliminates the need to understand platform-specific languages. 

Winner: The victor is NativeScript.


The performance of the app development platforms React Native and NativeScript is comparable. Apps with plenty of animations may easily achieve 60 frames per second utilizing both NativeScript and React Native, while there may be differences depending on the kind of application, venue, viewing device, and framework version.

Winner: The winners are both.

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Final Thoughts

It might be difficult to decide between two of the top frameworks for app development. Finally, we have compiled a brief set of guidelines to assist you in summarizing the decision-making process when choosing between NativeScript and React Native.

When to Apply React Native

  • Your priority is to quickly construct an MVP.
  • You want to avoid using third-party app platform plugins. 
  • A unique user interface should be used when creating mobile applications. 
  • You want to develop applications that facilitate collaboration and provide real-time updates. 

When to Apply NativeScript

  • The top priority is developing a platform-neutral application. 
  • You want to use the free and built-in plugins to create extensible APIs. 
  • Improving the functionality of the software is one of your main goals. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Is React Native a hybrid or native technology?

A hybrid framework that combines elements of both. It isn’t entirely hybrid or native. Mobile applications have a natural appearance and feel. However, the native code should be implemented in addition to React Native UI components if the application requires access to the camera or other device-specific functionalities. Thus, the hybrid component of this architecture is created.

Is React Native slower than NativeScript?

No, React uses the Virtual DOM, which makes it quicker. 

Is the finest framework React Native?

That is contingent upon the specifications and features of the application you want to develop. React Native works best with applications that intend to make use of the publicly available APIs to verify MVP and POC (Proof of Concept) should be lightweight, cover business, fashion, lifestyle news, be able to schedule events, and have minimal resource requirements.

What Should I Understand Before Using React Native?

A basic grasp of HTML, CSS, HTML DOM, Node.JS, ES6, API, HTTP protocol, and web requests is required.

I want to learn React Native, but should I learn React.JS first?

To cut a long tale short, choose the setting that most closely matches your experience. If you have prior expertise in developing mobile apps, you should start with React Native. Using this framework, you will master the fundamentals of React programming. If you have experience with HTML and CSS, you may find React.JS simpler to get started with. Gaining experience with well-known technologies can boost your confidence before using React Native. 

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