Review of Pipedrive 2024: The Best Easy CRM Software?

Yogesh Pant
Mar 19, 2024


Are you looking for an effective, user-friendly, and straightforward CRM software tool? Pipedrive is your best bet!

With business owners in mind, this effective tool has a wide range of features that make it ideal for monitoring sales and maintaining client relationships. Before that, let's know how CRM helps drive customer retention, which helps Pipedrive CRM software. 

CRM can be used to convert leads. It's also a vital tool for keeping hold of current clients. According to one report, businesses that used a CRM saw a 47% increase in customer satisfaction and retention. 

After a lead converts to a customer, all of their purchasing activities and behavior are documented in the CRM. Salespeople may then use this data to take proactive measures to maintain brand loyalty. 

 For example, you may forecast their next purchase by examining the purchasing cycles and providing them with freebies or exclusive offers to encourage them to come back. You may also evaluate which products clients often purchase together to identify potential cross-selling possibilities and fresh marketing concepts. 


After this, you should analyze Pipedrive's features, price options, and ease of use, which ranks it among the top options for small firms and solopreneurs. Also, to increase sales or customer retention by a good percentage. 

Read our review to determine if Pipedrive, a straightforward CRM program, is a good fit for your company. Let's go straight into the blog post.

Key Statistics about CRM

Last year we found out that overall CRM usage increased from 56% to 74%. (Source: Webinarcare)

Effective sales organizations are 81% more likely to be practicing consistent usage of a CRM or other system of record. (Source: Webinarcare)

Research tells us that the most effective sales organizations are 81% more likely to practice consistent usage of their CRM system.  (Source: Webinarcare)

Pipedrive Pros

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Streamline Sales Operations

Pipedrive facilitates the organization and streamlining of your sales operations. Its simple visual layout makes it easy to monitor leads and deals, prioritize activities, and concentrate on the most promising opportunities. 

Ease of Use

Pipedrive is easy to use because of its intuitive design. You may configure and alter it to suit their business demands, even if you need more substantial technological expertise. The user-friendly interface and seamless navigation significantly decrease the time spent managing sales activities. 


Pipedrive's capacity to scale has been shown. It may expand my company by supporting more users and interacting with other applications. The platform has managed growing clientele and higher data volumes without seeing any degradation in functionality. 

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Pipedriver Drawbacks

Absence of Advanced Reporting Features

Although Pipedrive provides some basic reporting features, you may want more if you're looking for more in-depth reporting or analytics. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that Pipedrive may be integrated with other programs that provide sophisticated reporting, providing the required information. 

Limited Free Edition

If your company is bigger or you need to use Pipedrive for more than a simple sales procedure, you will need to pay for the full edition, which has fewer capabilities. However, the value of those extra features makes the premium version worthwhile.

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Slight Learning Curve 

Like any new tool, Pipedrive has a learning curve. It takes some time to get acquainted with all of its features. However, after mastering it, you'll discover that the advantages exceed the initial work needed. 

In a Nutshell: Is Pipedrive Worth It?


We have spent many hours using Pipedrive to manage my sales funnel, so we can confidently state that it is worth the money. 

Pipedrive is now a vital instrument in my everyday operations, completely changing how we conduct sales.

For us, the most noteworthy element is the visible sales result. It's been revolutionary to have a clear picture of each lead's position in the sales funnel. Email automation greatly reduces my weekly time, and having complete control over all prospects and clients keeps everything in order and at my fingertips.

At first, you may object to the price—we also did. However, it's a worthwhile investment when you consider how much time and efficiency it saves in sales operations. It is a partner in sales efficiency that grows with your company, not simply a tool. 

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Their reporting capabilities could be stronger. If we had to select one flaw, we would have to link Pipedrive with other platforms for advanced sales analytics. However, this little setback does not overshadow Pipedrive's overall efficacy. 

We suggest checking out Pipedrive if you're searching for a CRM that helps your sales team and sales process. Try it out for free to discover how it can transform your sales process. You won't regret making this investment, we promise. 

Let’s know how Pipe drive is increasing its market share day by day and make a he hit in regards of its employees.

Pipedrive market share is 0.71% with more than 2647 companies using this software. And It’s rank at 12th number. So, if you thinking of choosing the best CR for your company, you can go with the Pipedrive. 

Pipedrive Customers by Products and Services


Source :

The top three products and services offering customers that use Pipedrive for Sales Management are Marketing (328), Saas (252), Digital Marketing (246).

Pipedrive Customers by Employee Size


For the sales-management area, the most of Pipedrive's clients are in the following business sizes: 0 - 9 workers (4,520 companies), 20 - 49 employees (4,025 companies), and 10 - 19 employees (2,479 organizations).

Pipedrive: Who Is It For?

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Pipedrive is a useful and easy-to-use CRM that may help many people. However, there could be better fits for others. 

If You'll Adore Pipedrive

You operate a small to medium-sized company and are searching for an all-inclusive CRM system to enhance lead management and expedite your sales process. With features like integrated contact management and email automation, Pipedrive aims to make your life easier.

As a sales manager, you want a comprehensive picture of your team's productivity and pipeline. With Pipedrive's configurable sales report, you can monitor the status of each contract and pinpoint any obstacles. 

You're a professional who leads a hectic life. You can manage your leads, plan follow-ups, and supervise your sales staff from anywhere using Pipedrive's feature-rich mobile app. 

Your business is committed to data security. Pipedrive provides secure data security, allowing users to store and manage critical client information confidently. The company also sends security warnings to users. 

Pipedrive Won't be Loved by You If

You're searching for a CRM with sophisticated surveying or payment processing capabilities integrated. Despite Pipedrive's strength, several functionalities, such as payments and surveys, must be supported. For these features, you may need to incorporate other tools. 

You work for yourself or as a freelancer. Because Pipedrive is priced per user, there may be better options for a specific user or freelancer on a tight budget.

Because of your sector's extremely specialized nature, you need certain CRM functionality that Pipedrive cannot provide. Despite its versatility, Pipedrive may only be able to meet certain industrial demands. 

What Is Pipedrive?


Pipedrive is a cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool intended to assist sales teams and small enterprises manage their sales funnels effectively. It's a solution that ensures every transaction closes successfully by giving your sales management clarity and concentration. 

Launch year 


Company Name 


Head quarters 

New York city


Timo Rein

Total Number of Pipedrive employees


Number of Pipedrive Installs


Playstore rating 


Funding raised so far

USD 90 million

Companies that use Pipedrive 




Events participated by Pipedrive



1(Mailigen on Mar 5, 2020)


USD 100 to 500 million

Number of countries that Pipedrive has users in


Pricing starts from 

USD12.50 / month


What does Pipedrive do :

Pipedrive is a deal-driven customer relationship management CRM solution that also works as an account-management tool with the ability to assist with marketing and the entire sales process.

Which Is Pipedrive's Main Advantage?

Pipedrive's main advantage is that it may make your sales process more streamlined and straightforward. 

With Pipedrive's features, such as automatic email monitoring, visual sales scales, automated repetitive chores, and integrated contact management, you can spend much less time on administrative work and more time on transactions and cultivating connections with customers. 

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How Does The Sales Team Use Pipedrive?

Pipedrive offers a platform for tracking interactions with prospective consumers from the initial point of contact until the time of sale. 

Its easy-to-use design makes managing contacts, scheduling activities, and tracking deals simple. It also connects with many different platforms and products, making it an adaptable center for all your sales endeavors. 

What Sets It Apart From Its Rivals?

Pipedrive distinguishes itself from rivals with its robust but user-friendly design. 

Teams of various sizes may easily use Pipedrive since it is simple to use and intuitive, in contrast to many other sales CRMs that are crowded and difficult. One of its best features is its visual sales pipeline, which gives you an easy-to-understand picture of your revenue projections and sales process. 

In addition, Pipedrive is renowned for providing top-notch phone support to customers, so you can be sure you'll have the assistance you need to get the most out of the platform.

Reasons Why to Tell Everyone to Use Pipedrive

Simplified Management and Sales Process

We can vouch for Pipedrive's ability to simplify sales management since we have used it. Pipedrive's visual representation of your sales funnel is revolutionary. We monitored the status of my ongoing transactions, improving productivity and making my workflow more seamless. 

Our experience with Pipedrive was revolutionary. It helped me prioritize activities, maintain organization, and eventually close more successful deals. 

Interface That's Easy to Use

We highly recommend Pipedrive in part because of its easy-to-use UI. The learning curve was considerably lowered while using the platform because of its user-friendly layout and simple navigation. 


This allowed me to quickly use Pipedrive's robust capabilities, saving me time and freeing me up to concentrate more on selling and less on figuring out software.

Sturdy Interfaces For Sales Staff

Lastly, we have to talk about Pipedrive's powerful integration features. It was also helpful to integrate Pipedrive with other programs we were already using, such as email clients and marketing automation software. 

It offered a single, readily accessible system where all of my consumer data was gathered. By eliminating the need to go between several systems, such as Google Calendar, to check my schedule, these connections made my job easier and guarantee that we always had the most recent information available. 

Our experience tells us that Pipedrive is worth considering for any sales team only because of this function. 

Some Disagreements You May Have with Pipedrive

Limited Capabilities for Advanced Features

We found that Pipedrive's restricted number of advanced functions is one drawback. A CRM system's sophisticated functionalities make deeper data analysis and more complicated sales processes possible. 

However, while utilizing Pipedrive, we discovered that It required more advanced functionality than other CRM solutions. For example, the reporting features could be more extensive, and we often want more detailed information and insights into our sales success. 

The Onboarding Process for New Users

My own experience with Pipedrive suggests that its initial learning curve may be a disadvantage for specific users.

Although its user-friendly layout is cheerful once you get the hang of it, getting familiar with all the features and functions takes some time. Businesses hoping for a plug-and-play solution may find this challenging. 

Using Pipedrive becomes second nature with practice and patience, although the setup and familiarization process might initially be intimidating.

Pipedrive Price Estimating

Pipedrive CRM offers various price choices to accommodate various company sizes and demands. There are four price tiers: Enterprise Plan, Advanced, Professional, Power, and Essential. 


The most basic plan, Essential, is charged yearly at a rate of $12.50 per user per month. For more sophisticated capabilities, each user must pay $24.90 per month for the Advanced plan. For $ 49.90 a month, users may access even more features with a professional plan. 

They provide the Power and Enterprise options for more giant enterprises or those that need premium assistance and service. Power comes with cooperative efforts and adaptable support. The monthly cost is $59.90 per user. The most incredible experience, however, is unrestricted with the Enterprise tier. It costs $74.90 a month for an unlimited number of users. 

These costs are all for yearly memberships, which means your first payment will be for the whole year. The software also provides a free trial for individuals who want to try out Pipedrive CRM's capabilities before committing to a subscription. 

Pipedrive: Overview of Main Features

Let's examine some of Pipedrive's main features in more detail and see how each one may help you:

Management of Sales Pipelines

The core functionality of Pipedrive is the capability to manage sales pipelines.

It gives you a visual representation of your whole sales funnel, letting you quickly assess your transactions on the deals page and their corresponding phases for new leads and historical information. This function ensures that every transaction goes well by streamlining your sales procedure. 


The ability to customize sales funnels changed everything. It assisted me in maintaining organization, setting priorities, and concentrating on the most critical transactions. 

The pipeline's visual format made it simple for me to decide where to focus my efforts and which transactions needed to be attended to right away. 

Software for Email Marketing

This program offers a powerful platform for writing and distributing marketing emails. Its unique feature is the drag-and-drop builder, which makes it simple for users to create eye-catching emails when combined with email templates. 


It also provides audience segmentation and real-time reporting features for focused communication.

My email marketing efforts have significantly improved thanks to these capabilities, raising engagement and conversion rates.

Lead Creation and Eligibility

Pipedrive provides specific functionality to assist with lead creation, qualifying, and prioritizing.

This enables companies to concentrate on high-quality leads and maximize every opportunity. This function is unique in that it can automate these procedures, saving time and guarantee that no chances are lost. 


In our experience, using this function has greatly enhanced the quality of leads pursued, which has raised conversion rates and increased sales.

Task and Activity Management

With Pipedrive CRM's activity and task management function, you may assign tasks to team members, plan events associated with your transactions, and create reminders. This helps keep everyone in the loop and ensures nothing crucial is lost, which is very helpful.


This tool helps us organize our everyday tasks. Thanks to this project management tool, we prioritized our work and maintained organization, which allowed us to always focus on the most crucial tasks and move forward steadily with completing agreements. 

Mobile App

Pipedrive provides an effective mobile app for managing your sales funnel. When you're not at your desk, you can work efficiently since the mobile app has most of the functions included in the desktop version. 


We had a good experience using the mobile app. It was convenient to promptly update transaction details, reply to emails, and plan events from my phone, whether we were on business travels or not at my desk. 

Analytics and Reporting

Last but not least, Pipedrive's straightforward analytics and reporting function offers insightful information about your sales success.


You may use it to make personalized reports on many variables, including individual performance, sales income, and deal conversion rates. This was a very enlightening feature. It made it easier for me to see my strengths and areas for development. 

We boosted productivity and enhanced our sales process by making well-informed judgments based on my analysis of these data. However, you will need to go elsewhere or find an integration if you require more sophisticated reporting. 

Combination with Preferred Instruments

These connectors, which provide over 400 services and tools for simple one-click installation, may significantly increase your output and effectiveness. 

This feature's adaptability makes it great –it has integrations for customer support, marketing, and financial systems. 


By incorporating various tools into my sales process, we customized our workflow, and the software's functionality increased. 

Alternatives to Pipedrive

$49.90 is too expensive for you to pay now, and you're searching for an app with a similar feature set, or you could need an alternative. If so, try one of these options.


HubSpot is a well-liked CRM alternative for Pipedrive. It is a fantastic option for companies searching for a one-stop shop for sales and marketing. 

Additionally, HubSpot provides a free plan, a big benefit for startups or small enterprises on a low budget. On the other hand, some of Pipedrive's features—like visual sales management—are easier to use and more straightforward. Based on TrustRadius and Software Advice evaluations, users have complimented HubSpot for its email monitoring and automation features. 

Monday.Com: Platform for Collaborative Work Management

An effective work management tool that may be used in place of Pipedrive is Although isn't primarily a sales platform, its adaptability allows teams to customize it to fit their own sales procedures. gives sales teams a single location to monitor and manage their prospects, activity, and communication thanks to its configurable workflows, task management tools, and team collaboration features. It is appropriate for companies of all sizes that need a cooperative and adaptable solution to optimize their sales processes. 

Trello: A Pipedrive Visual Substitute

Trello is a visual and user-friendly project management tool that may be used in place of Pipedrive. Its adaptable board and card architecture allows customers to monitor and manage their sales funnel very clearly. 

Teams wishing for a collaborative platform to oversee their sales processes will find it especially useful as it allows them to assign tasks, establish deadlines, and provide comments. Trello is ideal for individuals and small to medium-sized teams that want a more visual approach to managing their sales process because of its simplicity and ease of use. 

Salesmate: A Simplified CRM for Sales

A specialized sales CRM program called Salesmate offers a wide range of functionalities to make the sales process more efficient. It is an excellent alternative to Pipedrive since it provides features like email integration, deal tracking, contact management, and automation. 

Sales teams searching for a feature-rich CRM system that meets their demands will find Salesmate suitable. It offers solutions to improve lead creation, nurturing, and conversion. Businesses may successfully manage their sales funnel with Salesmate because of its numerous integrations and user-friendly UI. 

The Conclusion: should You Buy a Pipedrive or Not?

Pipedrive CRM is an outstanding CRM platform that provides a complete set of features at a low price. After careful research and taking into account multiple evaluations from credible sources, I recommend purchasing Pipedrive CRM.

As we have discussed, Pipedrive has shown to be excellent in several areas. With visual sales activities, you can efficiently monitor transactions and phases with a comprehensive perspective of your marketing process.

Thanks to email automation and integration, every lead is controlled, which also expedites communication. Within large and small sales teams, the activity and goal-tracking capabilities promote responsibility and productivity. Additionally, you can make data-driven decisions with configurable dashboards and reports, and you can remain connected on the road with specialized mobile applications.

Although there isn't a free plan, Pipedrive CRM's benefits outweigh the price. In accordance with evaluations from TechRadar, PCMag, and Forbes, it is a good option for small companies since it is user-friendly and reasonably priced. Users have also commended its customization choices, simplicity, and intuitiveness.

In Conclusion, Pipedrive CRM is a worthwhile investment to automate your company, regardless of size—small business owners searching for a simple but efficient CRM system or huge organizations wanting a powerful sales tool. Don't wait; use Pipedrive to immediately improve your sales process and increase productivity! We, Mtoag technology, as the best CRM provider company can give you amazing services regarding all types of CRM. 

What happens, however, if Pipedrive isn't perfect for you or you want to look into other options? Relax—there are many substitute CRM options available, which we discuss below.

FAQs Regarding Pipedrive

The following are some of the most typical queries about Pipedrive, along with their responses:

How Is Pipedrive Used?

Pipedrive allows you to manage all aspects of your sales funnel, including lead generation, deal monitoring, email sending, and activity scheduling. In-depth reports are also provided to assist you in analyzing your sales success. For further assistance, see our post on how to utilize Pipedrive.

What Is the Price of a Pipedrive?

Pipedrive has many price tiers to accommodate diverse corporate requirements. The Pipedrive website has the costs for each of their programs.

How Is Data Organized in Pipedrive?

Pipedrive organizes information into four main categories: mail, activities, contacts (including people and organizations), and deals. This structure helps users easily manage and monitor their marketing process.

What Sets Pipedrive Apart?

Pipedrive is unique because of its focus on deal management, sales-centric design, intuitive user interface, robust workflow automation tools, and customizable dashboards and reporting.

Is It Possible to Create Pipedrive Projects in Bulk?

Pipedrive's importing capability does not yet allow for the creation of bulk projects. Additionally, it lacks bulk lead project management. Deals, contacts, and activity data, however, may be imported.

What Kind of Program Is Pipedrive?

Since Pipedrive CRM is cloud-based software, it can be accessed from any internet-connected device. It is intended to assist companies in efficiently managing their client interactions and sales process.

How Can My Billing Account's VAT, ABN, Or GST Number Be Added Or Updated?

In your Pipedrive account settings, under the' Billing' section, you may add or modify your VAT, ABN, or GST number.

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