Surefire 15 tips to enhance your JavaScript performance!

Yogesh Pant
Feb 21, 2020

Improve your JavaScript performance with these surefire 15 top tips

JavaScript is one of the prominent scripting languages used by next gen developers for mobile and web application development company. JavaScript is omnipotent today and is present in servers, websites, operating systems, robots, games, etc. It figures amongst the most popular scripting languages used on Github.


To be abreast with the best performance practices, we have outlined 15 surefire top tips for benefiting JavaScript developers. These tips will enhance the JavaScript website speed performance and increase user experience.

1. Gain knowledge on asynchronous programming

Applications fetch data through internal calls to APIs. JavaScript due to being single threaded possesses many synchronous elements that are capable to lock the entire application. To capably manage the process of asynchronous codes you can use JavaScript’s async.js feature. This streamlines the a sync code in an event queue for completion of one code after the other. Use the asynchronous APIs in your code to avert the possibility of reverting back to the synchronous blocking call. This could have a detrimental effect on the performance and would be quite tasking for rookies to the complexities of a sync programming.


2. Outline variables locally


Variables are of two types –

  • Local variables – these variables are defined within the function;
  • Global variables – these variables can be used all through the script.

When a certain function is called upon, the browser executes a scope lookup to access variables within a particular scope. The larger number of scopes involved means more time needed to access variables from other scopes. This process is time taking when the browser initiates search for global variables in comparison to local ones. To reduce the engine’s search time it is best to define the variables locally and avert dependency on global variables. This will increase the web application’s overall speed to perform faster.

3. Codes should be light and small

Light and small codes will give greater boost to the performance of mobile app development in USA. Concise and light codes aid in reducing the latency of the mobile application. Reduce the number of JS files into single file otherwise the browser will make numerous http requests to fetch them. If this is not possible, then alternatively you can shrink and diminish the different JS files into a streamlined one.


4. Applying Event Delegation

To make it easier to efficiently manage a type of event for the complete page, use a single event handler by applying Event Delegation. In absence of Event Delegation, with too many event handlers, large web applications come to a sudden halt. Event Delegation benefits –fewer ties between code and DOM, managing of less functionality plus lesser memory needed to process.

5. Avoiding unwanted loops

To keep the JavaScript running efficiently it is best to avoid unwanted loops to put lesser strain on the browser. Lesser work done in the loop will ultimately faster the process. Optimize your code by storing an array’s length in a separate variable instead of reading entire iteration of the loop.


6. Compressing files with Gzip

JavaScript files are generally large and sans compression, which slows down website speed. Gzip helps in compressing JavaScript files considerably. This eventually saves bandwidth, reduces time lagging & latency and accelerates the overall performance of the web application.

7. Minimizing DOM access

When the host browser interacts with objects (DOM) outside JavaScript native environment, it refreshes repeatedly leading to performance lag. Minimizing DOM access is possible by decreasing the DOM traversal trips or storing references to the browser objects.


8. Increase performance by caching object

Normally, scripts are constantly used to access certain objects. To gain substantial enhancement in performance store a repeated access object inside the user defined variable. Alternately you can utilize a variable in subsequent reference to that object. To do the above, you can use either JavaScript Cache API with service worker installation or use HTTP protocol cache.

9. Specify the execution context

For developing a website with JavaScript, you should define some definite environments for testing your code’s workability on them. Testing on a single environment isn’t advisable as you may get partial outcomes. Testing on various environments effectually measure any visible and perceptible improvements that you planned to implement in the website.

10. Rid your website of unused JavaScript

To provide better user experience and enabling the site to load quicker it’s advised to get rid of unused JavaScript. It is pertinent to detect the functionality of the unused JavaScript not being used by any user before removing it. The browser will need lesser time to compile the code and will hasten up the transmission time.

11. Cease utilizing too much memory

Developers should try to limit utilizing too much memory while developer the JavaScript website for avoiding slowing down the page. It’s tough to estimate the memory required for running the app by the device. JavaScript coded websites tend to request more memory reserves from browsers. If this happens, the browser’s garbage collector starts up which eventually stops the JavaScript.

12. Defer pointless loading of JavaScript

A faster page loading retains user interaction with that page. Users perform different functions such as clicking or changing of tabs. In such a case you can defer loading functions for the other pages till the initial page loads completely. This helps in circumventing loading and compiling of the JS code to avert delaying the initial page displaying properly. When the page completely loads, the other functionalities can load up seamlessly for interacting with users.

13. Eradicate memory leaks

Chrome Dev Tools helps to analyze whether the website is having memory leakage and records the timeline on performance tab. During memory leak, the loaded page will demand and use more memory available in the device. This generally happens on pages having image slide and has an adverse effect on the overall performance of the page. If you aren’t tech savvy then it is best to hire PHP developers to develop your offshore PHP development project.

14. Utilize tools that spot problems

The below given tools help to identify and fix problems as soon as they occur.

  • Google Page Speed – helps JavaScript developers understand performance optimizations & improvement areas of website development
  • Node Source platform – helps explore granular level performance for Node.js web applications.
  • Lighthouse – helps check audit performance, accessibility, SEO, etc.
  • Dev tools – helps to analyze CPU consumption, simulate network, plus other metrics during page loading.

15. Use algorithms for various optimizations

Use algorithms having less computational difficulty for solving tasks with optimal data structures.

  • Rewrite algorithms for obtaining similar results with fewer calculations.
  • Avert iterative calls
  • Place calculations, variables and calls, for all repetitive functions
  • Make simple mathematical formulas
  • Use search arrays to get the value.
  • Use speculative execution of processor by making conditions that come true.

We hope that these 15 tips will help to improve the JavaScript performance of your website. To get a performance boost it will be advisable to implement them together for optimum speed of JavaScript applications. Whether you are a JavaScript website development company or looking for one, you can be benefited with the above tips.

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