User Experience Design Principles for Investment and Trading Apps

Raju Ram Khakhal
May 10, 2024


Any experience a user has when using an IT product is referred to as user experience (UX). Experience is not always negative. All digital goods, including trading platforms and apps, must have a user experience (UX). In the post, we'll discuss why user experience is so important for trading software and highlight certain factors that should be taken into account when creating a trading platform. 

Key Lessons Learned

The user experience design process is a useful tool that can be used for almost every product or component. 

A user-friendly interface is only one component of the user experience; other essential components include user flow, functionality, accessibility, and research. User flow refers to the path a user takes through an app or website to complete a task or achieve a goal. It is a crucial aspect of user experience design

Attention to platform navigation, scalability, visual appearance, etc., is crucial for optimizing user experience. 

What Is User Experience (UX) So Crucial?

Positive user experience has become a concern since almost every aspect of our daily lives has gone digital. Software and programs must now include many helpful features, such as real-time market data, customizable dashboards, and intuitive trading tools, besides being visually attractive and easy to use. 

Fintech is also concerned with the UX component. As a result, institutions like Revolut have raised the bar for online banking. These days, all banks need to provide digital experiences that meet their clientele's changing needs to stay competitive and draw in new business. 

User experience (UX) is becoming more important in the trading industry as digital trading, which refers to the buying and selling of financial instruments through electronic platforms, advances. 

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By implementing practical user experience design, several trading platform providers aim to enhance the customer experience. This not only ensures customer satisfaction but also has the potential to turn prospective clients into loyal users, thereby boosting your business. 

UX design is a crucial tool that almost every product or component uses. While a poor UX design might result in many lost consumers, a good design can swiftly convert a prospective client into an existing one. 

Growing interest in digital trading has brought attention to several problems with the software used by the sector. 

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Quick fact:

According to data, the most popular trading applications sharply rose in downloads in 2021. 

The basis for characterizing how a user interacts with a trading software or platform is its user experience. Some developers prefer to concentrate content or specialized components above usability, undervaluing the importance of website usability. This strategy produces ugly websites or cumbersome apps that drive away potential users and prompt current users to search for better options. 

How User Experience Can Enhance Your Trading Platform


Even if you believe that your trading software is perfect, consumers are unwilling to use it, they quit your platform, and you have trouble bringing in new businesses. Here are several justifications for addressing UX to enhance your platforms. 

Draw in More Customers

As more novice traders join the market, trading's join the market, trading's appeal to the general public is expanding every day. A novice trader is likely to choose simpler and easier-to-use options over complex tools since the typical individual is unlikely to utilize them. You may remodel your platform to satisfy the demands of both experts and novices and draw in more users by adhering to the UX guidelines and specifications. 

Acquire Loyalty

Enhancing the user experience and designing intuitive interfaces may win over your audience's loyalty. This shows that you are concerned about them, which encourages them to stick with your trading platform. 

Stay Ahead of the Curve

Due to the size of the financial sector, a wide range of platforms and apps are available for trading in many markets, including cryptocurrency and forex. You may differentiate yourself from most trading software providers with a robust technological base and an engaging user interface. 

One of the most critical aspects of every project is the payment procedure. A simple payment form outlines the customer's last option, which is to either complete the purchase or depart due to the intricacy of the procedure. 

MasterCard's study indicates that the format used for data input must match the format used for data display on the actual card. 

If the order in which the data is entered matches the format in which the necessary information appears on the card, users will input invoice details more quickly. 

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Why Is It the Ideal Way for Making Payments?

The following is the natural sight orbit during real-world invoice details observation:

  • Number of Cards
  • Date of Expire
  • Name of cardholder
  • CVV (rear)

If the data insertion sequence in the form is different from the data display sequence on the card, users spend more time looking for information and lose confidence that they entered the invoice information accurately. 

Practical advice for creating a payment form correctly:

  • Further information requests should allow the invoice entry procedure to continue.
  • Four-digit visual blocks should be used to input 16-digit card numbers.
  • The form should automatically advance to the following field; if not, the card number field should be divided without division.
  • Choosing the month should not be a drop-down list but rather a field that may be entered manually.
  • The month format must match the card's format exactly. To designate a month, use the two-digit method. Comparatively, the card expiration information has been input as a two-digit number, indicating the expiration year. 
  • Only one field has to be filled out with the first and last names.
  • By default, the name ought to begin with a capital letter. It should be automated to substitute Latin characters with Cyrillic ones. 

Above is an example of an ideal payment form design. Payment UI quirks are often the consequence of adhering precisely to the norms and regulations set out by the financial industry. For this reason, future iterations of payment-related services need to follow similar guidelines. 

Essential Components of a Good User Experience


A typical user experience has three basic components: user flow, functionality and accessibility, and research. Let's discuss them in further depth. 


Research is the most important component in producing a satisfying user experience. It assists in understanding project demand, learning about current industry difficulties, and analyzing market drivers. 

The most crucial step in the discovery process is user research. This research is not just about understanding user behavior with the product, but also about their objectives, requirements, and trade experience and expertise. By valuing their input, you can create a trading platform that truly meets their needs.  

Ultimately, competitive analysis aims to research the rivals, evaluate their advantages and disadvantages, and identify any dangers. 

Accessibility and Functionality

Any trading platform, whether a stock trading app, Forex trading platform, Forex trading platform, or other investing software, must prioritize functionality and accessibility. By ensuring these aspects, you can reassure your audience about the quality and reliability of your trading platform. 

To draw in additional traders, ensure your platform and sign-up form are simple. Examine how your website functions in each of the accessible browsers. Additionally, make sure your platform is accessible from mobile devices. Many people need a better experience when using websites meant for desktops on their phones. Ultimately, developing a platform that is compatible with all devices is essential. 

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The two main components of the website's information architecture should be the arrangement of material on a page and site navigation via links. In order to ensure that traders can browse the website with ease and don't have to guess where to locate the relevant information or buttons, user experiences should be smooth and intuitive. 

User Movement

Typically, this component contains a picture of your platform. Adhering to the primary UX principles is often the path toward a successful user experience. Standard online standards include, for instance, highlighting interactive text, including a button, or indicating that an image or text section may be chosen to identify if it is interactive.  

To guarantee a positive user experience, limit design components on a website and condense long material. For instance, registration forms must be concise and straightforward to complete. This implies that you should fill out the required form with just the required information. 

Another wise approach is to reduce the number of clicks a user has to make to accomplish a goal. 

Strategies for Enhancing Trading Platforms to Provide a Better User Experience 


According to some studies, numerous consumers are dissatisfied with the user experience (UX) of the trading platforms they use. Only 9% of traders are satisfied with the cryptocurrency exchanges they use, according to Statista

The explanation is straightforward: while the platforms' developers adhere to the fundamental guidelines and specifications for user experience (UX), they fail to fully cater to the wants of their clientele. 

The following list of components should be taken into account while designing a trading platform's user interface.

Teaching Materials 

Accuracy in the markets demands knowledge and commitment. Trading platforms may provide traders with many educational materials, including articles, tutorials, and instructional videos. These materials may be tailored to meet the needs of traders with varying degrees of expertise. 

Trading platforms may foster trader loyalty by providing necessary information. As a result, traders are more likely to have a satisfying user experience and continue trading on the chosen platform. 

Navigating the Platform

The design guarantees a smooth user experience in addition to visual representation. Users often need help using the site and comprehending its features. The trading platform's interaction design and interface layout should be created considering usability. These concepts include functional features, an intuitive interface, an understanding of visual design, and educational onboarding. Navigation might become difficult due to inadequate information architecture, customer assistance, and onboarding. Following these guidelines may increase user engagement and create a simple yet effective trading platform design. 

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Purchases and Transactions

Ensuring that users comprehend the proper use of financial instruments is difficult for developers of trading applications. It is essential to provide lessons on buying, transactions, exchanges, and more to clarify transaction processing, including wallet use, private and public keys, etc., to ensure a good user experience. In addition, visual components that show current market data and movements are essential for trading and trend analysis. These components should be simple to understand and transparent while including all the financial information a trader needs. 

Visual Appeal

The aesthetic appeal of a trading platform is mainly dependent on its design. It must be well-structured and user-friendly, with well-selected color schemes, readable typefaces, and significant iconography. Every component should function as a unit to provide a unified appearance, and the overall design should be consistent. Interactive elements and animations may increase platform engagement but shouldn't take away from the trading experience. 

Overall, the user interface and data visualization should be simple and easy to use, and the design should be well-organized, intuitive, and aesthetically pleasing to users. 


Scalability is essential for trading software architecture since it improves user experience. As utilization increases, it enables a platform to manage additional transfers, customers, and data. The goal of platform designers and developers should be to create something that can grow both horizontally and vertically. While horizontal scalability refers to adding more servers or nodes, vertical scaling refers to adding additional technical resources like memory or processing power. Engineers can ensure that the platform is compelling even as more customers join or as more data is handled by considering scalability. 

Top 15 Fintech UX Design Practices in 2024

Fintech UX designs are more than flashy features in the current environment when user expectations, competitiveness, and trust are all at an all-time high. Fintech UX is a tactical tool for surviving in the ever-changing environment. Take into account the following best practices to advance fintech designs:

Simplified Onboarding

"A job well begun is half done." This is where the clients enter the picture. Each step has to be carefully planned. Even the slightest inconvenience will damage their faith in the brand. 

Above all, minimize the number of questions you ask throughout the onboarding process to ensure it is simple. Ensure that the user doesn't experience excessive sharing. The only thing that will keep clients is trust. 

Streamlines Navigation

The foundation of the financial app design is an easy-to-use navigation mechanism. A navigation bar indicates to the user where they are. Could you provide them with updates in real-time?

In other words, give them a familiar aesthetic to help them feel at home. An irrelevant need to be made aware of designs and content might mislead them. This facilitates the process and successfully lowers their cognitive burden. Divide complex procedures into manageable parts.

Simple User Interface

As the saying goes, "Usability champions supreme. Usability is essential to building a successful and user-friendly financial website design."

First, be prepared for any misunderstandings and give them precise directions. Be careful to hold onto them. Make a road that is clear of obstacles. Send them encouraging texts and pop-ups to motivate them to continue. 

Second, well-made guidelines will provide them with a feeling of control and comprehension as they assist them in traversing the procedure independently. Make sure they can access the program without any problems. 

Data Visualization

Use infographics to simplify complicated information, such as graphs, charts, and pictures. Avoid technical jargon and use them just as needed. 

Likewise, use user data and AI to provide tailored information. Utilizing data visualization will provide clients with a sense of worth and comprehension. When they feel appreciated, consumers will stick around. The platform's success is a direct result of the fintech UX design. 

All consumers may obtain data-driven choices thanks to visually appealing designs and smooth Fintech UX layouts. 

Simple and Clear Language

The secret is to be precise. When speaking with consumers, utilize plain and straightforward terminology. The finance website differs from where you may show off your literary prowess. Customers want it to be pleasant and brief. When required, use technical words. 

Furthermore, ensure that legal terms and instructions are clearly explained to avoid misunderstandings and foster a sense of confidence between the user and the FinTech platform. The goal is not to wow the clients but to inform them about the technical words. 

Accuracy in Design

The brand is known for its accuracy in design. Take advantage of every detail. Verify each design to the final one to guarantee a reliable experience. People quickly see errors, and allowing them to occur will erode their confidence. 

Similarly, confirm that all of the data provided on the platform is true and current. With its pixel-perfect design and reliable and precise information, it exhibits dependability and professionalism. 

Design for Everybody

All applications must be usable by a wide range of individuals, irrespective of age or skill level. That is, the chance to develop is reduced when characteristics that assist persons with disabilities are excluded. 

Above all, remember that the application's users will include adults, children, and individuals with disabilities. Include a variety of features that will benefit different types of users, such as text-to-speech, high-contrast themes, and voice commands. Alternatively, you may hire a UX Design company to do the task. 


Keep yourself updated on fraud and scams in the financial industry. Reassuring instructions and soothing graphics might help soothe clients' fears. 

Be proactive by keeping clients informed of significant application upgrades and being accessible for assistance at all times. Issues should be resolved immediately. 

To make the user experience more unique, combine AI and user data. They will feel appreciated and understood if you do this. 


If the platform incorporates gaming features, it will reduce their anxiety. Reward and show your gratitude for them when they complete a task satisfactorily. 

Please use progress indicators to inform clients of their current location. These indicators will boost their confidence and motivate them to keep going. 

User-descriptive, Helpful CTAs

Please don't leave them in the dark. Let them know clearly that they are headed in the correct way. Make use of indicators such as "Submit" and "Next" to update them on the status. It imparts a feeling of authority. 

It is important to remember that the user has yet to gain prior knowledge of the program when creating. Including simple instructions will help the consumer feel comfortable. 


The FinTech application must be compatible with a range of platforms, including PCs, laptops, iPads, and smartphones (iOS and Android). The design should also be able to accommodate different screen sizes. 

Recognize and avoid any potential flaws. Give consumers a brief list of all possible errors; this will help them maintain composure. They shall be guided to completion by this. 

Seamless Transaction

Transactions are one of the primary functions of any Fintech application. A careful design will convert people. Every touch, swipe, and movement in the UX design should inspire trust in the user. 

Progress indicators, engaging alerts, and incentives will motivate users. Conversely, careless design will turn people away. 

Preserving Usability without Compromising Security

To foster confidence, emphasize endorsements, favorable comments, and fruitful collaborations. After a purchase, invite consumers to leave comments. 

You may build trust with them by putting encryption techniques, multi-factor authentication, and real-time security warnings into practice. Consequently, they will become devoted clients, and the platform will get more exposure. 

Adherence to Rules

Provide clients with access to the appropriate regulatory certifications and licenses to demonstrate your dedication and accountability. Maintaining security and a flawless user experience are essential in the finance industry. 

As a result, listen to client feedback about the application and address their concerns. Do a variety of exams periodically to stay current. A minor annoyance might discourage them. 

Straightforward API integration

Easy integration with third-party APIs improves user experience. Thanks to API interaction, the platform is more adaptable in every way, whether it's integrating with an open-banking feature or a third-party application. 

Afterward, run various tests to ensure that everything operates without a hitch. Address the issues, improve the fintech platform's ability to service clients, and get user input.


The rise in the popularity of trading on digital platforms has led to increased software trading development. Nonetheless, dependable and user-friendly platforms undergo extensive research and consider user flow and functionality from the beginning of the construction process, which makes them superior to other trading platforms in terms of user experience. These platforms are easier to use, more practical, and have more user appeal.

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